Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Palin On MSNBCCCP's Insult Of Romney Grandson: "Holy Unbelievable"

by JASmius

No, Mrs. Palin, it's entirely believable, from start to finish:

The guests on MSNBCCCP's "Melissa Harris-Perry" show on Sunday mocked a family photo of 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. In the picture, Romney held his adopted grandchild, Kieran Romney, who is black.

During the show, panelist Pia Glenn sang, "One of these things is not like the others," while fellow panelists laughed.

One of these "things"?  Oh, wait, neither of the individuals in the pic were female, so I guess it was permissible to objectify them.  Plus, you know, Mitt, and by dint of adoptive association, Kiernan, are Republicans, so they're much lower than inanimate objects.

Harris-Perry then pondered the idea of a marriage between Kieran and singer Kanye West's daughter.

Well, yeah, if Mr. West's daughter is willing to convert to Mormonism.  Imagine how many black conservatives they'd pump out!  It'd be Mia Love times at least a dozen.  Is MH-P being careful what she wishes for?

And, political comedian Dean Obeidallah sarcastically commented that the picture "sums up the diversity of the Republican party."

Republicans: diverse in ethnicity, gender, and thought; Democrats: diverse in ethnicity, gender.....and absolutely nothing else.

BTW, Dean, how many African-American kids have you adopted, hm?

'cuda, in her trademark style, let 'em have it with both barrels, all phaser banks, and full torpedo bays:

"Holy unbelievable. The hypocritical leftist lamestream media should be shamed by every caring, child-loving American. It has once again reached a new low," the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate wrote on her Facebook page Tuesday....

"Leftist media hounds are not expressing an opinion with this attack; they are expressing a prejudice that would never be accepted if it came from anyone else but the lib media," Palin wrote.

"You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year's Resolution be to find one," she added.

The question that comes to my mind from this is why anybody on the Left would feel the need to take shots at Governor Romney.  He lost, after all; he'll never run for political office again; he's no threat to them.  He's permanently in private life, retired, exiled from the sphere of politics.  It was a gratuitous, wholly uncalled-for, comprehensively unfunny nad shot with a truncheon, which goes a long way in explaining why it aired on MSNBCCCP.

Outside the asylum, the reviews were not rave:

"I’m not even sure what the threshold anymore is for MSNBC going too far," Ann Navarro, Republican CNN contributor, said Monday on “Erin Burnett OutFront,” according to Politico.

"Nothing is lower than humiliating a child. So, uhm, well done, MSNBC," John Nolte of Breitbart.com wrote.

Perry later apologized on Twitter.

I know what my reply to MH-P's tweet would have been: "[Bleep] you, Missy.  Take your phony-baloney rote apology and shove it up your junk-trunk.  The next step will be a challenge to a duel, Andy Jackson style.  Savvy?"

Wanna know how bad this was?  This bad:

Keith Olbermann         @KeithOlbermann
Any adults in charge over there? RT @politico Melissa Harris-Perry apologizes to Romney family for using the… http://tl.gd/n3hfdp 

When you're getting rebuked from the right by Keith F'ing Olbermann.....now that's "holy unbelievable."

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