Friday, December 06, 2013

Tony Perkins: Democrats, Not Republicans, Waging "War on Women"

by JASmius

For those of you who think House Speaker John Boehner is a RINO squish, this vid's for you:

For my two cents, I'd like a little clarification on what Boehner means by "sensitive".  If he means, "C'mon, guys, lay off the locker room repartee," that's not being "sensitive," it's being polite.  One would include chivalry (opening doors for ladies, throw your cloak over a puddle so she doesn't have to soil her pumps, etc.) in that category as well, I would think, though of course bulldyke feminists hate that sort of thing and are far more interested in emasculation than gender honor.  Funny how nobody accuses them of waging a "War on Men," but then that's a trick question, as all these social "wars" are all Marxist dialectical constructs where one side is defined as having "power" and the other side is "the oppressed," no matter how much actual power it gains over its "oppressor".  Gives 'em the perfect - and eternal - excuse to never let up until its "oppressor" is completely annihilated, after which they can move on to the next "oppressor".

Oh, yeah, Boehner.  So if he wasn't referring to not being a boor, to what could he possibly have been referring?  Also, what difference does it make if Dems have more X-chromosomed members than the GOP does?  Is that to suggest that the former are entitled to greater "sensitivity" than the latter?  How would that be fair?  What form would it take?  And shouldn't female members of the opposition be treated every bit as rough & tumbly as their male colleagues?  Or is the true problem not that Republicans are "insensitive" to Donk women, but that they're not insensitive enough to Donk men?

Fortunately, Mr. Perkins doesn't suffer from that character defect.  But then, he's not a GOP member, either.

Maybe Speaker Boehner can begin discussing the Democrats' "War On Children," seeing as how that moniker is orders of magnitude more literal.

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