Thursday, January 02, 2014

ObamaCare Sticker Shock: "You Can Hear Wallets Closing"

by JASmius

With each passing day, ObamaCare becomes less and less an abstraction and more and more a brutal, devastating reality:

The hangovers from New Year's Eve have gone and now millions of Americans are waking up to headaches from ObamaCare sticker shock.

Middle-class families are finding out the exact cost of the Affordable Care Act to their weekly budget, and they are realizing they have to make cutbacks in their lifestyles to afford higher healthcare insurance premiums, The Week reports.

Calling ObamaCare "another sucker punch to the middle class," the report warns that "when the family budget gets hit in the solar plexus, guess what happens to consumer spending and the economy?"

There are, and will be, no shortage of crushing anecdotal ammunition for Republican attack ads over the next ten months.  Please, do follow the link and read the Newsmax sample.  But it's the cross-connection to the Obamapression that makes the Unaffordable Care-Less Act an Extinction Level Event for Democrats in 2014:

The Week points out that the bigger premiums will have a trickle-down effect on the economy as middle- and upper-middle-income families start to spend less while diverting some of their spare cash to pay for their expensive new health care premiums.

Pointing out that consumer spending accounts for 70% of the country's gross domestic product, the report warns, "The top 20% of earners account for about 40% of all spending in the U.S. When you increase the costs of health care and the new taxes associated with ObamaCare, you can hear the wallets closing."

You know how Barack Hussein Obama (mmm-mmm-mmm) is endlessly trying to "pivot" to the economy, but never quite gets there because some other bleep-up explodes in his face?  And because his proffered "solutions" are more of the same tired old rubbish he always pushes (more "stimulus," raising the minimum wage again, higher taxes on "the rich," who by this time are pretty much all Democrats anyway)?  How does he do that now when it is the middle class, on whose behalf he's supposedly "fighting" like a Klingon colossus (e.g. his wife), that is already getting decimated by his healthcare swath of devastation?  Can he really successfully scapegoat the health insurance carriers, who after all have simply been complying with his law, no matter how much the Obamedia pushes that risible garbage?

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