Sunday, January 05, 2014

Romney Accepts MSNBCCCP Host’s Apology For Mocking Grandson

by JASmius

I have one question, and one question only: Why?:

Former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney says he accepts the apology of MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry for making jokes about his African-American grandson.

"He was an answer to prayer, and we love that he's part of our family," Romney said on "Fox News Sunday." "That being said, I realize that people make mistakes, and the folks at MSNBC made a big mistake, and they've apologized for it. And that's all you can ask for. I'm going to move on from that."

Romney said he has made plenty of mistakes himself, and that Harris-Perry's apology seemed heartfelt, so his family holds no ill-will.

Everyone recognizes that political figures such as himself are fair targets, Romney told Fox News, but children are "beyond the line."

Let this serve as a reminder of why (beyond massive voter fraud) Mitt Romney lost the 2012 presidential election: an acute lack of a killer instinct.  Tea Partiers cast it in ideological terms - "Romney tried to be conservative, but he just didn't have it in his heart" - but I look at it in terms of what might be called maintaining a warrior's mindset.  Put still another way, you have to remember your Sun Tzu: "Know your enemy" and never forget that he - or, in this case, she - is your enemy.  Not an "opposition colleague," not your "friend on the other side of the aisle," not your "opponent," but your enemy.  Because that is how he - or, in this case, she - views you.  Mitt Romney ran a very good campaign last cycle, but he never went for Barack Obama's jugular on anything.  He didn't shy away from most issues of where O was vulnerable, but he never, in basketball terms, "took it to the hole" and finished off any of them.  And he never engaged The One on the same personal level that the Donk demigod did him, and which proved so effective in the mush-minds of LIVs and NIVs.  Mitt Romney was, in short, landing stiff jabs while Barack Obama was delivering haymaker ball shots.  Is it any wonder that Mitt couldn't close the deal?

And here we see it again.  Mitt Romney is a nice guy dealing with vile, despicable gutter trash, yet he gives them the benefit of the doubt when they go through their "I apologize if Governor Romney was offended" mendacities, complete, in MHP's case, with crocodile tears.  But she didn't "make a mistake"; she and her "panel" deliberately, perhaps calculatedly, and in the most racist terms, slimed Keirnan Romney and, by extension, the entire Romney clan, for no other reason than just because.  That's not something that should be so casually forgiven, at least not without extracting some retaliatory pounds of flesh.

I don't think that would have been for Governor Romney to do, though; let the grassroots beat the drums for sending MHP the way of Martin Bashir.  I would have been satisfied if, when asked about the non-apology, Mitt had simply said, "No comment".  No Joseph French-like harangue of righteous indignation; just a frosty silence colder than the snows of Europa.  Let she who considers everybody else's kids but her own the property of the state eat static, her phony contrition twisting, embarrassingly, in the wind.  Let her pay some measure of price for her indiscriminate hate-mongering.

But no.  It is for Mitt Romney to learn that to the Left, nobody right of center is ever considered "retired" from public life until they're dead, after which they're zombified as born-again Regressives; and no conservative's children are off-limits or beyond any line.  Not that it would accomplish much, even in a "better late than never" sense.  But it'd be a vast improvement over "too little, too late".

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