Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Los Angeles Bans E-Cigs in Public Places

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Liberalism is not about what is best for the country, or about your rights, but about them getting their agenda in place, about them getting their way, and about them controlling you based on their warped sense of common good.

The liberal left democrats have decided to do whatever they can to ban cigarettes, for the common good, and your own good, regardless of your opinion of it.  As free markets are so good at, an alternative has arisen.  Electronic Cigarettes have no tar, or smoke, perfectly safe.

How dare freedom loving peoples find a way around the leftist agenda, so now they are trying to ban E-Cigs everywhere they can, too.  Los Angeles has just past such an ordinance, disallowing e-cigs in parks, restaurants, and workplaces.  Pretty soon they will start removing them from the shelves and disallow you from smoking them in your home.  If this isn't proof these people are about control, not your rights, this is a great example.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

L.A. bans e-cigarettes in parks, restaurants, and workplaces - Los Angeles Times

1 comment:

  1. eCig Cigarette costs less than real cigarettes... Once you buy the kit, cartridge refills are a fraction of what you would pay per pack or carton! eCig Cigarette eliminates the dangers of second-hand smoke, so you can smoke around others without causing ill effects.

    electronic cigarette
