Monday, March 31, 2014

Obama to the Pope: You're a liar!

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Statism depends on deception to survive.  If the liberal left was ever honest about what they truly intended, nobody would ever vote for them. . . even the uninformed sheeple.  The doses of big government are in small bites, with peace, security, and good intentions intertwined with the sweetly delivered, caring claims that it is all for the common good.  In reality, behind the mask, is an eager drive to be the ultimate ruling elite, unencumbered by individualism, or petty dissent.  The push to control through big government, and achieve all of the power and wealth that goes with it, is as old as time, as is playing with the truth, and then calling those around them, "liars."

President Barack Obama is a special kind of statist.  The narcissistic personality of the American President is incapable of admitting to anyone, including himself, that he could be wrong.  He also is a master at manipulating language, to hide the serpent that lies beneath.  He is darkness, masquerading as light.

When a soul as dark as Obama's comes in contact with anything even close to being "light," the walls go up, the defenses go into overdrive, and the deceptive smile and propaganda kicks into high gear.

Obama's meeting with Pope Francis, the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church, was his first.  The Pope, being a man of God, revealed concern about how in America religious freedom has been under attack, largely through the mandate in the healthcare law that forces all insurance policies to cover all forms of contraception, including aborticides.

Catholics are pretty much against all forms of contraception, and the Pope was in full support of the people who share his Faith.

The Barack Obama version of the meeting says otherwise.  Mr. Obama downplayed the Church's concerns regarding the religious freedom and contraception issue as it pertains to Obamacare.

“We actually didn’t talk a whole lot about social schisms in my conversations with His Holiness,” Mr. Obama said at a press conference in Rome. “In fact, that really was not a topic of conversation.”

The Vatican's statement regarding the meeting between Messiah Obama, and Pope Francis, says otherwise.  The Catholic Church's version of the meeting claims the discussion spent a lot of time “on questions of particular relevance for the [Catholic] Church in [the United States], such as the exercise of the rights to religious freedom, life and conscientious objection.”

Barry's popularity has not been doing so well, with his failures to produce what he claimed in his campaigns, the failures of his policies, and him ticking off pretty much everyone by taking Bush's surveillance sins to brand new heights, including using the IRS to target his enemies, and using the NSA to spy on pretty much everyone, including the leaders of countries we say we consider to be allies.  With all of that bad karma going on, Barry Soetoro figured that cozying up to a pretty popular pope might be the way to kick start those love engines back into full power.

After hanging out with the pope, President Obama is supposed to go cozy up with Saudi Arabia, next.

The religious freedom argument against the Affordable Care Act has been front and center at the United States Supreme Court, where the Hobby Lobby case has Sotomayor and Kagan fumbling for insults, and calling for the Christian business owners to shut up, and if they don't like it, don't buy insurance, and pay the penalty.

Despite evidence to the contrary, the President's team argues that it is trying to accommodate churches and faith-affiliated institutions in regard to the health care law.

“I explained to him that most religious organizations are entirely exempt,” Mr. Obama said. “Religiously affiliated hospitals or universities or [nongovernmental organizations] simply have to attest that they have a religious objection, in which case they are not required to provide contraception — although employees of theirs who choose are able to obtain it through the insurance company.”

No mention of Christian business owners?  Oh, never mind, in the case of business owners, the call by the democrats is for them to shut up and take their yucky medicine.  Since when do businesses have a right to run their business the way they want, anyway?  Especially when it comes to their religious beliefs!  Who do they think we are?  Pre-Obama America?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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