Sunday, April 27, 2014

Palin: ‘If You Control Arms, You Control The People’

by JASmius

Saracuda plays NRA 2014.

My favorite line?:

"They are not right," she continued, referring to Obama's foreign policy efforts that "poke our allies in the eye, calling them adversaries, instead of putting the fear of God in our enemies. Enemies who would annihilate America. … But you can't offend them. Can't make them uncomfortable.

"Well, if I were in charge," Palin added, pausing for sustained applause from the audience, "they would know that waterboarding is the way we baptize terrorists."


I do have a question about this quote:

"If you control oil, you control an economy. If you control money, you control commerce.  But if you control arms, you control the people," she added. "And that is what they're trying to do."

How and where does ObamaCare figure into this?

Also, Sarah Evans and Alabama?  Seriously?  If the NRA wants to be "cool," they have to ditch the hillbilly music and start booking the Rippingtons.

But then buried deep within Mrs. Palin's undiminished ability to "rally the faithful" is the faithful's evident inability to realize that she's never going to seek elective office ever again.

Yes, yes, I know, whadabout Ronald Reagan?  The Gipper served two full terms as Governor of California, and didn't go out of his way to piss off the entire party establishment in the process, while never once (seriously) compromising his conservative principles.  He didn't shiv Gerald Ford after heartbreakingly losing the 1976 GOP nomination to the then-president.  He painstakingly prepared the political ground for his 1980 presidential run, and the rest is history.  Whereas 'cuda served half a term as Governor of Alaska, quit, and has been pissing in the face of her own party for her entire tenure as a national political figure.  Big difference.

Put another way, Ronald Reagan could "rally the faithful" and still attract the "unfaithful".  Sarah Palin "rallies the faithful" and repels the "unfaithful" like a fart in church.  Of which she is perfectly well aware, which, in turn, is why in reality, she ceased being a national political figure years ago, and is today a national celebrity, which is a very different thing (if you're not Barack Obama).

Will she ever let "the faithful" in on her little not-so-secret?

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