Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thoughtcrime: Quoting Winston Churchill Leads to Arrest in Britain

By Douglas V. Gibbs

In environmentalism, there are protected species that are protected by law.  Daring to even venture into their habitat can be punishable by law.  In society, there are also protected groups, sometimes protected by law, and sometimes by the political correctness lynch mob.  In America, daring to disagree, or holding an opinion contrary to the one demanded by the liberal left, can cause you to be shunned, prosecuted in court, fined, or to lose your business or sports team.  The accusation can be anything from racism to bigotry against homosexuals.  In Britain, Islam has such a hold that a quote from history, if it only upsets one person because they feel it is offensive to Islam, can land a politician in a lot of hot water.

The accused is a candidate in the European elections.  The charge?  Racial harassment after quoting a passage about Islam by Winston Churchill.  The quote was unleashed during a campaign speech by Paul Weston, a British candidate for a European election.

The speech was made on the steps of Winchester Guildhall, in Hampshire, last weekend.  A single person took offense at the quote, taken from Churchill's The River War, and called police.

It takes just one person to claim that they were offended.

The passage from the book, written by the wartime Prime Minister and first published in 1899, focuses on Churchill's observations about Islam while serving during the Anglo-Egyptian reconquest of the Sudan. Mr Weston told his audience: "Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live."

Weston quoted Churchill, and a member of the audience called the authorities to have him arrested. 

Mr. Westin was quoting Churchill, a hero to Brits, for God's sake.  And the observation is true.  Islam's wake is exactly what Churchill claimed.

"Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith."

Winston Churchill made this observation about Islam, as did Thomas Jefferson, and as any person with common sense and a working pair of eyeballs can.

Conformity of thought is the goal.  Think the way the government tells you, or be arrested.  The law has become a tool to persecute those that dare think as individuals, outside the mainline thinking allowed by government, and those that have allied with the power structure.  They are prosecuting people for saying politically incorrect things.

It happens here, too.  Just ask any business that has refused to go against their faith and bake a gay marriage wedding cake.  Just ask Cliven Bundy.  Just ask Donald Sterling.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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