Saturday, May 31, 2014

Transgenderism Progresses as Next Civil Rights Issue

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The thing about slippery slopes is that once you start sliding down one, it is pretty much impossible to stop until you slam into the concrete wall (great flood, fire and brimstone) at the bottom, or smack into an unforgiving stump along the way.  Either way, it's gonna smart once the slide stops.  Getting back up the hill is like trying to climb a greased pole.  It can be done, but it is going to take incredible effort leaving the base of the climb behind.

Millenials are abandoning the Christian foundation of their parents and grandparents in droves, viewing the faithful as being judgmental, hypocritical, and intolerant.  The sojourn away from God, and the Christian values this nation was founded upon, carry profound implications on a nation that has been dominated by a religious culture for hundreds of years.

Generally, the population views Christianity as having good values and principles, but are suspect of the religious structure and various characters that make up the leadership of The Church.  In truth, this makes today's generation closer to the attitude of the founders than one might expect.

The Founding Fathers were not a bunch of "deists" or "secularists," as deconstructionists may want everyone to think, but they were skeptical of established religions.  The organized church carry many of the same structural flaws that tyrannical central governments do, while using their "religious power" to sway the opinion of the faithful when they can.  In other words, the founders did not have a problem with Christianity, but with those that peddled it.  They saw the organized churches, and the leadership of religion, as being judgmental, hypocritical, and intolerant.

Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to Mr. Charles Thompson, referring to a book he made by cutting and pasting the philosophies of Christ from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in order to use to evangelize to the Indians in the frontier lands, "I, too, have made a wee-little book from the same materials (The Gospels) which I call the Philosophy of Jesus.  It is a paradigma of his doctrines, made by cutting the texts out of the book and arranging them on the pages of a blank book, in a certain order of time or subject.  A more beautiful or precious morsel of ethics I have never seen.  It is a document in proof that I am a REAL CHRISTIAN (all CAPS by Jefferson), that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus, very different from the Platonists, who call ME infidel and THEMSELVES Christians and preachers of the Gospel, while they draw all their characteristic dogmas from what its author never said nor saw.  They have compounded from the heathen mysteries a system beyond the comprehension of man, of which the great reformer of the vicious ethics and deism of the Jews, were he to return on earth, would not recognize one feature."

The solution was not to abandon the church, but to turn to Christ.  Religion is man-made, but Faith in Him is God-made.  But, how does one encourage a nation to turn from fleshly desires that has it sliding down a slippery slope without a church that is willing to stand on God's Word?

Religion is failing at trying to figure out how to bring back to their halls a generation that seeks estrangement from organized religion.  They are compromising their views on homosexuality, and other moral issues, to encourage the younger crowd to return.  The church leaders are obeying government by remaining silent on any issue that is politicized, and are watering down their message about salvation and the consequence of eternal damnation so as to encourage folks that they aren't as judgmental as this generation seems to think they are.

The leftists understand the rules of the game.  We are in a culture war, and they are waging their campaign accordingly.  The radicals demand from value-driven Americans rigid compliance with their Christian value system, and then they launch their assaults of personal destruction with the goal of ridiculing their opposition into silence, or surrender, when the left's perception is that the faithful swayed from their path.  Among the insults are that the fallen are hypocritical, intolerant, and judgmental. . . even if the exaggeration is miles from the truth.

The effort by the left, however, is not just to change the culture, but to continue to herd their enemy away from the system of values the faithful hold so dear.  This is achieved by pushing the envelope each time the culture adjusts to the new standard away from morality.  A new morality is created, a pluralistic system where morals become fluid, and the old standards become evil.  From promiscuity to homosexuality, the steps along the way have been a process, a journey, to the point that the pathway has become predictable.

A value-driven society considers one's rights to be God-given, therefore "rights" hold great worth to the faithful.  The leftists have learned, then, to herd society away from a value-driven system, and away from the Christian God, everything they want only needs to be labeled a "right".  Each new step along the progressive path towards a secular world of humanism, is to call each of the immoral nuggets along the way a human right, or a civil right.  How can someone argue against someone's rights?  How can somebody support legislation that takes away somebody's human right, or civil right, as defined by a society demanding tolerance and a move against religious sanctimoniousness?

The breakthrough began with the truth, a true civil right involving race.  The civil rights of racial minorities became the base of the movement, a starting point to use.  A little truth, and a very emotional issue, could now be used to launch the string of "rights" that could be used to destroy the "value base" of the system.  Pornography became a right.  How can someone argue that people should not be allowed to view pornography?  How can someone argue that people should not be allowed to do other things as well?  Abortion became a woman's right to her body, and then emerged a homosexual's right to marry, and so forth.  How can one argue?  Government should not be used to deny people of their rights. . . correct?

A compelling argument that is impossible to stand up to because the structure of the argument is sound.

I, myself, have argued that government has no business being involved with marriage, whether it be heterosexual, or gay.  And my argument is a true statement.  It is not a government authority, and when government does begin to regulate such things, it is not to provide freedom, but to control the issue so that it becomes politicized, and can be utilized in their favor.  Government creates victimized groups, and then caters to those groups they created to protect them from those that want to take away their rights.

It is a brilliant strategy, and lends one to believe that the "freedom to marry anyone you want" is inevitable.

Those that are herding us away from God are accusing the "Religious Right" of having a willingness to deny a group their rights, and the value-based segment of the population that believes things like abortion, and homosexuality, are a sin have not figured out how to frame their argument without sounding exactly like what they are being accused of.

And it is working so well, they won't stop the progression.  Leftism doesn't know how to stop the progression.  Their desire is not based on morality, or what is best for the society, but is based on progressing away from God.  If the "religious right" feels one way about something, it is an automatic likelihood the liberal left will take the opposite side of the issue.

Sexuality has always been their favorite.  The entertainment industry has always pushed the boundaries of sex on the big and little screen, and in music.  It is a base desire of humans.  It feels good.  Of course we are going to giggle each time they move the envelope just a little further.  Of course we are glued to the tube with each exposure due to a wardrobe malfunction.  Of course we were mesmerized by Sharon Stone's white dress and crossing legs.  Of course we acted like a bunch of curious middle-schoolers when girls began kissing girls in the movies, and eventually on television.  It's just a little more leg here, and a little more innuendo there, and they had us hooked.

The liberal left has achieved a milestone.  With a well-funded, and well-choreographed, campaign, 2% of the population has convinced a large swath of society that homosexuality should be normalized, and acceptable in all walks of life.  In fact, the herding of human tools has worked so well that now daring to oppose the gay agenda is being criminalized.  Refusing to bake a cake, or take photographs of a gay wedding party, can result in fines, and government dictates against one's place of business.  Confinement by law enforcement for refusal to obey the gay overlords is surely in the near future.

Which brings us to the next rung on the ladder of progression.

According to TIME Magazine, the next civil rights battle will be for transgender people, a.k.a. people that have taken actions to change their gender, be it through hormone treatments, lifestyle (behavior and dress), or through the mutilation of their genitalia.  Like homosexuality, the transgender lifestyle is a chosen behavior that is being sold as a born identity no different than someone's race or ethnicity.  Drag Queens and Butches, as history has seen these folks, claim it is their civil right, their human right, to do whatever they want. . . in other words, failure to allow them to act like their confused selves in the military, on the job, and so forth, in their opinion, should be criminalized.  Ultimately, as we are seeing with homosexuals, failure to accommodate these people will be criminalized.  Businesses will face lawsuits, and punitive consequences, for daring not to bend over backwards for these folks.  How long before a church is sued, and loses the lawsuit, because they refused to let a drag queen run a Sunday School class of a bunch of little boys?

The progression will not stop there.  Next is polygamy, beastiality, and eventually these people will work to normalize pedophelia (child molestation). . . a trend that is already in place.

It is progression, in the eyes of the liberal left.  That is how the liberal left works.  The push never stops.  The next immorality will always step to the plate, until the liberal left has their tyrannical utopia, or everything collapses.


The solution is not through government, but through adherence to the United States Constitution, and for the churches to stop capitulating.  The faithful needs to take a leadership role in society.  Culture is not changed away from madness through government.  That is the tool of the collectivist humanists.  Ours must be by leadership, a church that stands on its values, and becomes a louder voice than the madness.  Let them scream we are intolerant, judgmental and hypocritical.  All we must do is expose them as liars through our actions and our testimony.  Forget organized religion.  Set aside the man-made portion of religion.  Rely on God's message of love.

As I tell people: First, Christianity is all inclusive.  Anyone can accept Christ as their Savior.  Second, "You may not believe in God, but He believes in you."

The question is, are we willing to take the difficult steps to relay that message?  Are we willing to stop standing with one foot in The Word, and the other in the world?  Are we ready to face the ridicule, and pull out the Sword of Scripture?

Like the Constitution, however, we can't swing that sword, or use our armor, if we don't understand it.  We must be in the Word, and we must be in prayer.

Revolution requires revival.  Revival requires a people willing to wage it.

Sexual immorality to satisfy unnatural lust is nothing new.  During the days before the Great Flood that led Noah to build an Ark, and before the firestorm that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, both societies were going after strange flesh, according to the Bible.  The definition of strange flesh includes homosexuality, beasts, and beings that were not fully genetic humans. . . A lesson we seem to have forgotten.  The lust of ages, human nature, fleshly desire, is the path to destruction.  Do we choose to return to the path that always leads to the collapse of civilizations, or are we willing to stand on truth and virtue to save it?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

The Transgender Tipping Point - TIME Magazine

Normalizing Pedophelia - National Review Online

Beastiality Brothels Are Taking Germany by Storm - Huffington Post

Three (Parents) Can Be A Crowd, but for Some It's a Family - NPR

Polygamy the Next Major Civil Rights Movment? - Washington Examiner

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7

"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5.

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