Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Catholic League's Donohue To Obama: ‘Do Christian Lives Mean So Little To You?’

by JASmius

Obama to Catholic League's Donohue: "Yes!  They!  Do!"

Catholic League President Bill Donohue is slamming President Barack Obama for his statement commemorating the end of the Muslim Ramadan observance, saying Obama doesn't "stand with people of all faiths."

Obama's brief statement, issued earlier this week to send best wishes to Muslims during the Eid al-Fitr celebration, said that the observance reminds him and wife Michelle "of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."

Note the tense of that last comment.  Indeed, Muslims are "building the very fabric of our nation" - it's called "Sharia".  And indeed, Muslims are "strengthening the core of our democracy" - like they did for Gaza's "democracy".

Note also that O is going out of his way to extol Islam at the very same time that ISIS is religiously "cleansing" Syria and Iraq of the remnants of their Christian populations, Hamas is continuing to attempt the ongoing massacre of Israeli civilians, and the Iranian mullahgarchy is preparing to bath the Holy Land in nuclear fire.

And ask yourself this: When has Barack Obama ever toasted the "many achievements and contributions" of Jewish or evangelical Christian Americans?  When has he said anything about "the people of the book" other than to sneer at and otherwise demonize them?

Donohue wrote on the Catholic League's website that Obama does not stand with all faiths while protecting human rights.

"As you speak, Christians are being beheaded all over the Middle East because they are Christians, and those carrying out this mass murder are doing so in the name of Islam,"  Donohue wrote. "Yet you continue to say and do absolutely nothing about these unspeakable crimes. Do Christian lives mean so little to you?"

Donohue said that when he types in the phrase "President Obama Speaks Out," or "Speaks Against," into Internet search engines, subjects such as "Trayvon Martin," "Kanye West," "Fox News," and "bullying" come up.

"I can search in vain to find you condemning the genocidal slaughter of Christians by Muslims," Donohue wrote. "Muslim terrorists are killing Jews in Israel and their representatives have pledged to wipe Jews off the face of the earth. Yet your administration spends most of its time lecturing Israelis to be patient. About what? Being bombed because they are Jews? Do Jewish lives mean so little to you?"

"Yes!  They!"....oh, you get the point.

I don't believe Barack Obama is a Muslim.  In order to be a Muslim, he'd have to worship the demon Allah, and O is supposed to be the object of everybody else's worship.  Or, in other words, he would never accept the demotion.  He is, rather, an anti-Semite and Christophobe who sees Muslims as a means to his own anti-Western ends.

I don't know if he minds being called a Muslim, but if he does, he has no one to blame for its but himself.

Not that he wouldn't blame others, but....oh, you get the....oh, never mind.

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