Thursday, July 31, 2014

Public Enemies #1, #2 & #3

by JASmius

God & country patriots need to change up their battle plans to take on the top three enemies of freedom in the USA.

Doesn't seem like Bill answered Sharon's questions to me.  My answer would have been, and is, a lot more straightforward: No, you aren't crazy; Barack Obama is stirring up so much trouble, creating so many crises and scandals, so besieging the country from within and without - "Cloward-Pivenizing," to employ some verbal shorthand - that collapse is inevitable.  And no, there isn't anything we can do about it that will turn things around in anything short of years or decades.  But we must do what we can and hope and pray for the best.

Bill's top (or bottom, depending upon your point of view) three - socialized education, socialized media, and the socialized courts - is debatable.  But he never actually sets forth any "battle plans" as such, at least nothing that isn't already being done, to negligible effect.  And that's what I wish people like Bill would add to their "fight! fight! fight!" cheerleading: Don't "fight!" out of an expectation that right will make might, because it won't.  "Fight!" because it's the right thing to do, and will leave you with no regrets.

"Leave it all out on the field," in football terms.

It may take thirty-eight years to hit paydirt, but take it from me, the journey is worth it.

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