Sunday, August 31, 2014

Dawn Of The Ted: Ted Cruz Rips Into Harry Reid

by JASmius

At the Americans For Prosperity-sponsored "Defending The American Dream Summit" Senator Ted Cruz tore into Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and the Democrats as a tribe - aka "preaching red meat to the choir". Something always to be encouraged in any and all settings and circumstances, even if it does encourage the pipedream that Senator Cruz is presidential timbre.

I'm sorry, my Tea Party friends, but I can't let Senator Cruz's delightful rant go unexamined.

“If you support the 4th and 5th Amendment rights to privacy, vote Harry Reid out,” Cruz declared.

Strictly speaking, Harry (G)Reid isn't up for re-election again until 2016, so he can't be voted out on November 4th.  Yes, I know what Ted meant - as Senate Majority Chisler - but still.

That was a nitpick; but this one isn't:

Then holding up his phone, presumably as a reference to the NSA listening in, Cruz joked, “And President Obama, you’re next.”

No, he's not.  Barack Obama will be POTUS either for the next 872 days or the rest of his life, but he will never face another election every again, and so cannot be voted out of anything.  I love "red meat" as much as the next right-wingnut, but I require my red meat to actually make relevant sense.  I love thick, juicy steaks too, but if one is served to me drizzled in butterscotch topping, smothered in whipped cream with a cherry on top, and so raw that, had the butcher left on the legs, it could walk behind me on a leash, I'd send the damn thing back.  This tells me that "red meat" is not Senator Cruz's rhetorical strong point - or, put another way, he'll never be anybody's running mate.

"...if you’re tired of the most corrupt Department of Justice in history obstructing justice, and believe it is time to impeach [U.S. Attorney General] Eric Holder..."...Notably, Cruz’s comment about impeaching Holder received a standing ovation.

I'd have joined that standing O as well, knowing full well that it will never happen, and even if it did, the Regime would just ignore it and keep Eric "The Red" right where he is.  And besides, he claims he's retiring at the end of the year anyway, so what would be the point?

And that, of course, is the problem with "red meat".  It sounds so good, but it rarely has much, if any, connection with political reality.  There's nothing Senator Cruz can do to change that.


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