Saturday, August 30, 2014

Democrats, and a Progressive Republican, Headline Muslim Conference

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Still wondering why President Obama hasn't put together a plan for dealing with Muslim Terrorists called ISIS threatening the entire world yet?

The Democrats have a lot in common with Islam.  They both desire a strong government that mandates the lives of the governed, they both are at odds with Christianity, and American conservatism, and they both have a putrid dislike for the United States Constitution and the principles of limited government and freedom that the document champions.  About the only differences between Muslims and Democrats are that Jews tend to be Democrats (although like Islam, Democrats tend to have a particular dislike for Israel), and Muslims want a theocracy based on Islam, the teachings of the false prophet Muhammad, and Allah, while Democrats want a theocracy based on humanism, secularism, and the All Mighty State.

Since the two have common enemies (Israel, Christians, and American Conservatives), they have decided to be bed-buddies for the time being.  At least long enough to get rid of all other opposition in the world.  They figure they can deal with each other later.

It is a queer relationship when one considers that on social issues, they are diametrically opposed.  Democrats want men to be able to marry men without anyone even batting an eyelid, and Muslims want to hang homosexuals from the highest tree and probably wouldn't have a problem with removing their eyelids.  Democrats claim they are supporters of women's rights, and that the GOP has committed some kind of war against women, while the Muslims wish to beat their women into submission, hide their bodies and faces behind thick garments so that the men can more easily fight their sexual urges, and Muslim men consider women to be less than animals.  Democrats fight for what they call "separation of church and state," while Islam declares that the religion of Muhammad must be the driving force of the State (politics and the Muslim religion are one and the same)  The separation of church and state does not exist in any way, shape, or form in Islam.

The Democrats and Islam seem to be able to set aside those differences, for now.  They have common enemies to kill. . . uh, I mean silence. . . uh, I mean subdue. . . I mean destroy.  Uh, well, you get the picture.

So, when the Islamic Society of North America decided to have an annual conference, of course it made sense that hard left Democrat progressive socialist former President Jimmy Carter was chosen to deliver keynote address.

Carter says he will talk about "the historic need for religious communities to mobilize against discrimination and violence that is directed toward girls and women throughout the world," according to the convention schedule.

Well, that won't go over well with the Muslim men. . . especially the ones excited about consummating their marriage to child brides, and raping all infidel women.

Carter will also invite Muslim leaders at the convention to sign a Declaration for Peaceful Communities to join President Carter's movement for greater human rights.

There are no human rights in Islam.  It is all about Muslim rights.  You have a right to be a Muslim, or you have the right to be a slave, or dead.

The Republican Governor of Michigan, a man that is anything but conservative (so he should fit right in with Jimmy Carter), Rick Snyder, spoke at the opening session of the conference.  Well, I suppose that makes a little sense, since the conference is being held in his State, and in a city not far from Dearbornistan. . . you know, that thriving bastion of liberal left economic prosperity at a municipal level, a city you may know as Detroit (bankrupt Detroit).

The ISNA is an organization that has been shown to have links to Hamas, as well as other terrorist groups, so both Carter and Snyder have received a bit of criticism for choosing to attend the conference.  The leftists ignore the facts and actions of Islam and point to the ISNA's website, which proclaims the organization "rejects all acts of terrorism, including those perpetrated by Hamas, Hizbullah and any other group that claims Islam as their inspiration."

Why would they lie?

Islam is the only enemy faction we have ever seen in history that directly attacked the United States, and then received a 'preferred status' blessing as a result.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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