Sunday, August 31, 2014

Illegal Drones in the Sky over Yellowstone

By Douglas V. Gibbs

When I was a kid, we didn't call them "drones," we called them toy helicopters.

When my son was a kid, we used to play with the same toy, but advancements made them "remote control helicopters."

Now, the technology has advanced so far that we not only have disallowed people from flying these things anywhere they want, but now we have to tell government not to use them, either.

With cameras and longer range as unmanned flying machines, these "drones" can be used for horrible things that we just can't allow. . . like taking aerial shots in a national park.

Yellowstone National Park rangers have been having to crack down on these toys, because three times this year a tourist has illegally flown a drone in the park, and got caught doing it.

Grand Teton National Park has had at least one drone citation.

I get it.  These things can be used for nefarious reasons, and in the hands of private citizens, if they get used for reasons that betray the rights of others, the person should get in trouble for using their toys in such a way.  But should the mere act of flying one for fun, or to take a few pics of wildlife, be a reason to be citing people?

The fear is if we let private citizens use them, and we let Amazon or Google use them, then so will the government, and the skies will be filled with them, and our privacy will go out the window. . . 

As if we have that privacy with cell phones equipped with GPS, and RFID microchips on the verge of being inserted under our skin.

My opinion?  Drones should be allowed for private use, with local rules and laws governing the use in the cases of disputes regarding an invasion of privacy.  Government has no business using them, or if they do, with heavy restrictions and limitations.

But that's just me.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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