Monday, September 29, 2014

Beyonce Wardrobe Malfunction Defines America

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The number one story at Yahoo! is how Beyonce's blouse burst open during a concert with rapper Jay-Z in Toronto.  Americans are enthralled with the singing star's top exposing her breasts while Islam is expanding its terror through ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and through other groups in other countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa; an American woman was beheaded by a Muslim in Oklahoma, and another in that State has made a similar verbal threat; the President of the United States has been promising to  unconstitutionally sidestep Congress and grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, as the Pentagon toys with allowing illegals to serve in the U.S. Military; Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine; China is clinching its iron fist on Hong Kong; various new nuclear powers have vowed to use their weapons against America; the leftists are trying to use Common Core to complete their destruction of parental rights and our education system; Gun Control advocates, working to take away our right to defend ourselves, are using children as pawns in their latest ad campaign; Hamas is using children as shields in Gaza; ISIS terrorists are beheading Christian children and in some cases have been filmed using the heads of those children as soccer balls; evidence is emerging that California's drought is the result of liberal left policies, not the man-made global warming myth; opponents of the Obama administration are being targeted legally with bogus indictments; leftists are using media campaigns to silence conservative pundits in an attempt to silence any opposition to the progressive liberal left commie bastard agenda; despite Obama's pinprick bombing of ISIS, the terror group is advancing; and the chaos goes on and on and on. . . and the biggest concern by Americans is whether or not they can catch a glimpse of the exposed chest of a member of the entertainment industry.

Even more alarming is the name of the event: Global Citizen Festival 2014.

The One World Government globalists no longer hide, and are now doing all they can to get the uninformed voters to crave a worldwide, authoritarian system without borders, without sovereignty, and without individual identity as a nation. . . or as a person.

It is as if they are saying, "Join the collective.  Resistance is futile."

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Holy Grail! Beyonce has Wardrobe Malfunction While on Stage with Jay Z - Yahoo! Music

Louisiana Gov. Jindal Sues Federal Government over Common Core - Fox News

Anti-Second Amendment Crowd Uses Children as Props in DISGUSTING New Anti-Gun PSA - Tea Party News Network

ISIS VIDEOS: Jihadists kicking severed heads around in Iraq to mark start of World Cup, "This is our Football, it is made of skin" - Pamela Geller

California's Water Shortage Driven By Bad Policy - You Tube

Obama Critic D'Souza spared prison for violating election law - Reuters

Revealed: Conspiracy to Destroy Rush Limbaugh is Small, Organized, Deceptive - Daily Caller

Schools Scramble to Help Teens Who Crossed Border - Associated Press

James O'Keefe Exposes Plan to Use Illegal Aliens and Voter Fraud to Turn Texas Blue - Breitbart

U.S. Congressman Linked to Muslim Terrorist Organization - Walid Shoebat

Support for ISIS is Growing and World War III Looms on the Horizon - Walid Shoebat

Another Muslim Man in Oklahoma Snaps and Tells Co-Worker: I represent ISIS, I will cut your head off, ISIS kills Christians - Walid Shoebat

ISIS Overruns Iraqi Army Base Near Baghdad, Executes 300 Soldiers - Walid Shoebat

Hong Kong's student protesters ignite campaign against Beijing - Yahoo News\

Beijing Warns Against Foreign Intervention, as Hong Kong Protesters Block Roads - CSMonitor

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