Monday, September 29, 2014

Obama's ISIS Deception

By Douglas V. Gibbs

President Barack Obama's recent episode where he stormed out of a military briefing, commenting as he left, "[Don't] try and paint all of Islam with the same brush," was very telling.  The episode was not at all surprising to those that have been critical of Barack Obama from the beginning, because his allegiance to his sympathies towards Islam have been all too clear for those who have been willing to admit they exist, and have scrutinized his actions and words as they relate to his bias towards Islam.  Because of his discriminate opinions, Obama has softened the government's stance against terrorism, and has made statements and has taken actions counter to the federal government's constitutional duty of providing for the common defense.  The perceived weakness of the President has inflamed the Middle East, emboldened the jihad, and has enabled the pieces for a pro-sharia caliphate to emerge.  The chaos in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and other points throughout the region, have been directly influenced, and enabled, by Barack Obama's foreign policy.  He has funded and armed militant groups connected to terrorism, and has time and time again turned his back on America's greatest ally, Israel.

Either the President refuses to recognize the reality of the danger that Islam poses to the world, or he secretly wants to encourage their effort to achieve global chaos and the establishment of a new Islamic caliphate poised for a campaign determined to obtain worldwide domination by Islam.

The rise of ISIS may have been unexpected by some, and Barack Obama claims "we underestimated the rise of ISIS," but those involved in national security paints a different picture.

"We" did not underestimate the rise of ISIS, or the severity of the problem associated with the Islamic jihad.  It is the politicians that have been convinced to dumb down the language, and proclaim Islam is the religion of peace.  It is the classic Orwellian propaganda campaign.  War is Peace.  Freedom is Slavery.  Ignorance is Strength.

Meanwhile, like the pigs in Animal Farm, Islam proclaims that some ideologies are more equal than others.

I was talking to someone the other day who has an inside scoop on what really goes on.  He was telling me that FBI briefings have to be approved by a division that is overrun with members of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Muslims in the FBI cross out terms and phrases in reports and presentations that make any reference to Islam that are not flattering.  The word out there among the non-Muslim personnel is to not include all that you plan to present in a briefing, and say as you want once the briefing comes up.  If you add all you want to say, it will be censored out by the Muslim Brotherhood.

I was talking to a former Muslim that was receiving threats by a local Muslim group, and her story was one that nobody hears about.  A local group of people representing a local mosque had been threatening her and she filed a complaint with the police, which eventually reached the FBI.  The request bypassed the local agents, and was received by an agent in Los Angeles, who is a Muslim.  He came all the way out to the Inland Empire and gave her the riot act.  Later, when she finally got a hold of the agents in her area, she was informed they were never aware of the request, and there was no record of the L.A. agent coming out to see her.

Our government has been infiltrated by Islam, and the President is fully aware of it.  He wants to do all he can to appease Islam, because he carries sympathies for Islam that he has been trying to hide.  The intelligence briefings regarding the Islamic threat did not underestimate the rise of ISIS, or the danger ISIS poses.  One former member of the intelligence community says that Obama can't fault America's intelligence personnel as he has been doing for underestimating the rise of ISIS.  They knew about it, and warned him about it, and he refused to listen. . . or agreed but refused to act.  Either President Obama did not read the intelligence reports, "or he's bullshi**ing us."

Obama's ISIS deception is the same deception he poses regarding Islam.  He wants you to believe he is concerned, but he also wants you to believe the problem is not Islam, but a few renegade cells that are defying the peaceful nature that Islam says it stands for.

Walid Shoebat and I.Q. al Rassooli, both former Muslims, have both told me: "All Muslims are potential terrorists."

There may be good people in Islam, or they think they are good people, but since the day they were born they have been conditioned to hate non-Muslims, and to be willing to kill for the false prophet Muhammad.

Brigitte Gabriel says that if moderate Muslims do exist, they are irrelevant, like the German people under the Third Reich.  The German people, be it out of fear, or out of support for the fascist ideology, refused to stand against Nazism - as today's Muslims refuse to stand against the jihad.  Only those that have turned their back on Islam, and has ceased being a Muslim, seem to be the ones willing to stand up for the truth of what Islam is all about.  If they have not turned their back on the satanic teachings of the Koran, they are potential terrorists, and allies of ISIS.

OBAMA: 'They Don't Call Moscow' When There's Trouble In The World - Business Insider

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