Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Ebola, and Martial Law

By Douglas V. Gibbs

"Do you really think Obama is that sinister?" she asked.

"I think he wants to be."

Ebola is spreading worldwide.  The CDC says it going airborne is possible.  The LA Times reports that scientists are realizing Ebola may be easier to spread than originally believed.  Europe is in a panic as all indicators point towards an epidemic spreading through the continent.  Flights continue to come to America from the region, with no health screenings of passengers.  And President Obama is being criticized, now even by some in his own camp, for not taking Ebola very seriously.

The reality of leftism is that it cannot appear as what it really is, or the progressive agenda would never be elected into office.  Darkness never appears as darkness, but as an Angel of Light.  Darkness is presented in beautiful packaging, accompanied with flowery language like "for the common good."

As liberal democrats are beginning to wonder what Obama's problem is with Ebola, and why he is treating it as if it is no big deal, the reality is that he is taking no actions to protect this country against the potential arrival, and pandemic, of this West African disease because he has a purpose.

His inaction is by design.

Rahm Emanuel said it best. "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

As Ebola marches through the world, and the President and his minions are telling us not to worry, Ebola can't be passed from person to person that easily, and our top notch health care system will keep us safe, other experts are saying that the virus may spread easier than originally suspected.  As for what a disease can do even if it is hard to spread it, look at what AIDS has done, and it isn't spread that easily, either.

The Democrats, and mainly President Barack Obama, have been poking the conservatives in America in the chest, trying to get us to react.  They are like a bully trying to pick a fight, but not wanting to throw the first punch.  The leftists have mocked conservatives with statements like Obama's gun and Bible clingers quote, and with gun control legislation, and attempts to go after the "rightwing" through the IRS, and NSA. The BLM pushed a rancher in Nevada, and the conservatives came to his rescue, but alas, despite the hopes of the liberal left, the conservatives did not get violent.   The Democrats have learned from history, be it Lexington Greene, or Ruby Ridge.  The leftists do not want to fire the first shot, but they want desperately to be able to eliminate their opposition, and have a good reason to do it, all wrapped up in a package that says, "we got rid of them for the common good."

All they need is for their target to throw the first punch, or for some other reason to arise that would make it perfectly reasonable for them to bundle up and detain their opposition.

But the Tea Party, the conservatives, and the other GOP maniacs have not reacted the way the leftists had hoped.  So, they need a crisis.  They need a massive crisis to create an excuse to keep Obama in office, and to detain those that dare oppose them.  The uninformed voters may be uninformed, but they aren't totally stupid, and if they saw the government rounding people up in the name of sedition for the sole reason of opposing the Democrat Party, even the uninformed voters might not respond in a way the Democrats would want.

The people watching the arrests must be convinced that it is for their own good, and that can only be done during a crisis.

Ebola, if it spreads through the United States, may create such a scenario.  If an Ebola epidemic devastates the United States, martial law, and suspending elections in the name of an emergency crisis, would suddenly be attainable by the leftists.

Understand, the liberal left will not move unless they think they are totally able to without backlash.  Otherwise, they will sit and wait for their next chance in 16 years, or so.  They want badly to make this a one party nation, and to eliminate the GOP once and for all, but they won't do it with the danger of losing their ignorant base.  They are patient, though I think that patience is beginning to wear thin.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Sick Passenger Removed from Plane at Newark - My Fox Philly

Some Ebola experts worry virus may spread more easily than assumed - LA Times

White House senior administration officials heard saying "WE ARE SCREWED" over Ebola virus - Patriot Net Daily

Ebola Outbreak: Spread of deadly disease across Europe is unavoidable, warns WHO chief - The U.K. Independent

Dallas Ebola Patient Neighbors Feel Discriminated Against - CBS Dallas/Fort Worth


SPAIN SPOOKED... - Wall Street Journal

CDC: Airborne possible... - The Hill

New York Hospitals Prep...  - Wall Street Journal

Pentagon does double-reverse on military mission... - World Net Daily

Vomiting Passenger on Flight from La Guardia to O'Hare Sparks Fear... - CBS Chicago

Scare delays flights in Orlando... - WKMG 6 Local Orlando

CT Health Commissioner Granted Quarantine Power... -

Coast Guard will board ships to check passengers... SFGate

'UMMM': Dem Sen Struggles To Answer Question About Obama's Response... - Weekly Standard

Survivors told to use condoms for 90 days... - Yahoo News

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