Friday, October 31, 2014

Hagel Calls Obama's Syria Strategy "Chickenshit"

by JASmius

"John, you do know that the President's Syria strategy is chickenshit, don't you?"

- Comment from Commissar of Defense Charles "Chuck" Hagel to Commissar of State John "Genghis" Kerry, caught on hidden HSR microphone

Or something like that.  Hagel may have said it "in so many words," but that was the gist of his sediments.  Oops, I mean sentiments.

What we know for sure is that the Regime is suffering from an acute shortage of chicken salad at the moment:

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel last week sent a blunt memo to National Security Advisor Susan Rice criticizing the administration's strategy in Syria.

And she'll be dutifully lying about it on every talking head program this Sunday morning, right on schedule.

According to the New York Times, Hagel personally wrote a two-page detailed analysis in which he asserted that the policy outlined by President Barack Obama was in danger of failing because it does not outline how the United States will manage its approach to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

One senior official told CNN that he was "expressing concern about overall Syria strategy" and that the main message of the memo was "we need to have a sharper view of what to do about the Assad regime."

So let me see if I've got this straight: A year ago The One wanted to pretend to "do something" about Boy Assad that would have benefited ISIS, but backed down because even such martial pretense would have triggered a genuine war with Syria, and probably Iran and Russia as well; and now The One is pretending to "do something" about ISIS, including in Syrian airspace, that is benefitting Boy Assad, and Commissar Hagel is being a Republican chickenshit by pointing out the baying irony.

Good thing he did so in a "private memo," huh?  Wouldn't want that to get out to the public, would they?

So what chickenshit strategy is Hagel recommending?:

The official did not give further details about Hagel's views but did not disagree with the idea that the U.S. has much to lose in its war against the Islamic State (ISIS) if it fails to address that element of the strategy.

Hagel has so far refrained from making his concerns public. The official told CNN that Hagel continues to support the Pentagon's plan to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels.

Which signed a non-aggression pact with ISIS over a month ago.  And as memory serves, arming what the White House thought were "moderate Syrian rebels" is what gave birth to ISIS to begin with.  Because there were not, are not, and never will be any such thing as "moderate Syrian rebels".  They're all jihadists and they all hate us and want to kill us all.  They're just elbowing each other to be first in line at the head-chopping block.

Darth Queeg and his mini-me sound a lot more sensible at first until you realize that they're not talking about glassing Syria entirely but merely providing air cover for the "moderate Syrian rebels" against Assad airstrikes, more or less guaranteeing the very fate - war with Syria and probably Iran and Russia - that Generalissimo Hussein, in his inadvertent wisdom, averted a year ago.  Which would redound to the benefit of both ISIS and Boy Assad and another humiliating defeat for the U.S. since, after all, Barack Obama is only capable of pretending to fight any war, other than against white people, Christians, Tea Partiers, conservatives, and Republicans.  Which I thought was why Commissar Hagel called his boss "chickenshit" in the first place.  "In so many words".

Wait'll he does go public with his "criticism".  And when his inevitable White House memoir comes out.  He already knows exactly how Lurch feels:

The description of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a "chickenshit" by an anonymous U.S. official....

....that was ABSOLUTELY NOT John Kerry.... quoted in a U.S. magazine this week was disgraceful and damaging, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday.

Netanyahu on Wednesday condemned the comment from an unnamed official....

....that was ABSOLUTELY NOT John Kerry.... the Atlantic, which added to tensions between his government and the Obama administration, particularly over settlement building in Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem.

....which the White House ABSOLUTELY BELIEVES is "chickenshit"....

"We condemn anybody who uses language such as was used in this article....

....near an open microphone where any reporter could overhear it....

...." Kerry told an audience at the annual Washington Ideas Forum in his first comment on the issue. "It does not reflect the president, it does not reflect me, it is disgraceful, unacceptable, damaging....

....because we know where the microphones for the Oval Office taping system are located."

"I have never heard that word around me in the White House.....

....because I keep my hearing aid turned down at the office....

....I don't know who these anonymous people are who keep getting quoted....

....I thought the President told me where all the open mics were....

....but they make [my] life much more difficult," Kerry added.

And the punchline?  Okay, the final punchline?

The controversy came just ahead of a White House meeting on Thursday between Susan Rice, national security adviser to President Barack Obama, and Yossi Cohen, national security adviser to Netanyahu.

Think this chickenshit was any accident?  I mean, all Rice would have done is lie incessantly to NSR Cohen.  Bibi got used to that chickenshit years ago.

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