Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Murrieta Election 2014 Final Tally Provides a Couple Surprises

By Douglas V. Gibbs

First of all, the 2014 Election in Murrieta was the nastiest local election I have every encountered. . . and I have been here in Murrieta for all of them.  Being a Murrieta resident since 1989, which means I have been a local longer than Murrieta has been a city, I had a bunch of expectations based on hopes, and realities, regarding the 2014 Election.  Going into the election last night, while sitting in front of the computer preparing to watch the returns come in, I told everyone that the only thing I knew for sure without a doubt was that Rick Gibbs would haul in the most votes.  Everything else was up in the air.

On Monday and Tuesday I spoke to a significant number of people about the upcoming election, and except those who are as highly informed as myself, not a single average voter I spoke to even knew about Alan Long's DUI injury accident, the accusations against Rick Gibbs of ethics violations, or the fact that the owner of The Triangle, Andy Domenigoni, accused both Rick Gibbs and Alan Long of extortion while he was addressing the city council recently.  The reality of how uninformed many voters tend to be emerged in this election, with Alan Long grabbing second place, and over five thousand votes.

So the first surprise as the man facing a possibility of prison for his drunken stupidity, was very successful in this election.

I spent some time with Councilman Harry Ramos last night, and as the early numbers began to take shape with Alan Long, Rick Gibbs, and their lackey Ruthanne Taylor-Berger maintaining the lead, Harry became very worried.  He has been the lone conservative on a city council that is very hostile towards him.  He needs an ally, and Ruthanne would be nothing more than a good ol' boy extension of Long and Gibbs, and a rubber stamp for the iron fist of Rick Dudley, the City Manager.  When I went to bed last night sometime between eleven and midnight, Harry's greatest nightmare was falling into place.

This morning, after 100% of the vote was tallied, the reality turned out to be something very different.  In a surprise photo finish, Jon Ingram edged out Ruthanne by about 500 votes, and though the conservatives won't get a majority, Harry won't be alone in his fight, anymore.

Jonathan Ingram is a hard-hitting conservative who is relentless in reaching his goals, and incredibly mind-boggling when it comes to how many things he is capable of juggling all at once.  As the President of the Greer Ranch Homeowners Association, President of the Murrieta-Temecula Republican Assembly, and Vice President of the California Republican Assembly, Ingram not only brings a conservative message to Murrieta's city council, but a reasonable mind that understands the dynamics of how to get things done.  As a small businessman, he recognizes structure, leadership, and strategies for growth; and working with Harry Ramos, I believe the pair can turn some heads, and perhaps make an ally, or two, on the council.

As President of the Riverside County Republican Party, Randon Lane knows how to play the political game, and he claims to be conservative.  So the question in the coming months will be, "Will Lane see the writing on the wall, and divorce himself from the increasingly unpopular elitists, led by Rick Gibbs and Rick Dudley, in Murrieta politics?"

Another question arises regarding Alan Long.  Will Alan Long resign?  Or will he try to stay in his council seat?  If he resigns, who will be appointed to replace him?  I have believed from day one that Long refused to pull out of the race because he expected to win, and the hope was the power players could then appoint who they wanted.  Does this mean that Ruthanne Taylor-Berger will join the council after all?

The key in all of this is Jonathan Ingram.  His presence, his bulldog personality and relentless work ethic, will be a very large influence on what happens, and I have a feeling the good ol' boy network in Murrieta may not get everything they desire, after all.

I don't think the power players in Murrieta realize how potent the Harry Ramos/Jon Ingram team can truly be.  It is going to get interesting.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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