Monday, December 29, 2014

Al Jazeera America Calls on Constitution Guy, Douglas V. Gibbs

Douglas V. Gibbs will be on Al Jazeera America, December 30, 2014 at 4:50 am Pacific/7:50 am Eastern.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Constitution Guy will be on Al Jazeera America television Tuesday morning regarding immigration . . .
Sorry for the late notification, but the final wrinkles were just ironed out. Al Jazeera America television has asked me to be on their national cable network tomorrow morning at 4:50 am Pacific/7:50 am Eastern to discuss immigration in connection to their series about the poor immigrants trying to come to America and escape horrible situations back home as refugees. I have an interesting answer for them, that they may not be in agreement with me on.

Set your DVR, or get up early, but make sure you are on time because I am being told that all of this fuss is for a 3 minute interview (which is even less time than I got from them last July).


If you will remember, I was asked last July by these people at Al Jazeera America why I was angry with the immigrants (NPR actually asked me why I "hate" the immigrants), and I responded that I am not angry with them. I get it. They want to come to the greatest country on Earth. It makes sense. I am angry at the federal government for encouraging these people to put themselves in a dangerous situation, to brave a journey that includes association with diseased migrants, criminals, gang members, and terrorists, and I am angry at the federal government then treating these people like cattle. . . for political purposes. The immigration laws on the books are not for the purpose of discrimination, but to protect the receiving population from disease, a potential criminal element, and a potential terrorist element. The laws are there to screen immigrants, not to let anybody come as they are, and then place the receiving population at risk. That is one of the reasons why in Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution Congress is authorized to pass legislation prohibiting certain persons from being able to immigrate into the United States. Ellis Island was set up specifically for the purpose of screening immigrants in order to protect the receiving population.

As for the Murrieta Protests last July, Article IV, Section 4 gives the federal government the authority to protect the States from invasion, hence, the obligation of the federal government to secure the national border. Once the illegal aliens are within the State's jurisdiction, the State has the authority to protect its interior and enforce immigration laws, as per the 10th Amendment. Yet, as we saw regarding the Arizona immigration law, the federal government not only refuses to honor State authority regarding immigration, but sued Arizona for daring to pass law that was not in sync with the political agenda of the ruling elite in Washington DC.

With such a short segment in the morning, they tell me it will be about three minutes, I doubt I will be able to touch on the legal points I just gave you, but you never know.

Thank you for your support, and let me know how I did when we meet on January 3, 2015 at the Constitution Association meeting in Menifee.


Douglas Gibbs
Constitution Radio/Political Pistachio

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