Monday, December 29, 2014

ObamaCare Fines To Rise For Uninsured

by JASmius

Funny how O hasn't yet unconstitutionally deferred the Individual Mandate again, isn't it?  What could have happened to cause him to leave that off his presidential to-do list?  Hmmmmm.....:

Being uninsured in America will cost you more in 2015.

It's the first year all taxpayers have to report to the Internal Revenue Service whether they had health insurance for the previous year, as required under President Barack Obama's law. Those who were uninsured face fines, unless they qualify for one of about thirty exemptions, most of which involve financial hardships.

Dayna Dayson of Phoenix estimates that she'll have to pay the taxman $290 when she files her federal return. Dayson, who's in her early thirties, works in marketing and doesn't have a lot left over each month after housing, transportation and other fixed costs. She'd like health insurance but she couldn't afford it in 2014, as required by the law.

"It's touted as this amazing thing, but right now, for me, it doesn't fit into my budget," she said.

In essence, Miss Dayson is being fined for being down on her luck. Since Americans no longer have a choice about purchasing health insurance, and she can't afford it, evidently even with the illegal subsidies through, she is being penalized for the bleak economic condition which Obamanomics has inflicted upon her.  Tell me how this is "compassionate" again?  Or a "great deal"?  Or "universal coverage"?  Or "this amazing thing"?  It looks to me like a mass bilking, and Miss Dayson recognizes it.

Of course, not every Obamerikastani does:

Ryan Moon of Des Moines, Iowa, graduated from college in 2013 with a bachelor's in political science, and is still hunting for a permanent job with benefits. He expects to pay a fine of $95. A supporter of the health care law, he feels conflicted about its insurance mandate and fines.

Translation: He also recognizes what a tyrannical ripoff ObamaCare is, but he doesn't want to publicly admit it for fear of being seen as blaspheming his demigod.

"I hate the idea that you have to pay a penalty, but at the same time, it helps other people," said Moon, who's in his early twenties. "It really helps society, but society has to be forced to help society." [emphasis added]

Yet another example of how youth is wasted on the young, along with critical thinking ability - something which this tyke has obviously never been taught.  How does being fined for not being able to afford the exorbitant comprehensive O-Care coverage Mr. Moon doesn't need "help" anybody else?  And whom does it "help"?  "Society"?  If "society" is helping "society," isn't that tantamount to saying that "society" is helping itself?  And doesn't that run diametrically counter to everything ObamaCare stands for?  And why would society have to be forced to help itself?  I fear this lad is hopelessly confused, although he appears to have a sufficient modicum of mental acumen to realize the cash that's being unjustly syphoned out of his wallet.  Thus, his emotional conundrum and cognitive dissonance.  He's been brainwashed into believing that getting screwed by the government is "social justice" as long as (1) the right people get screwed (i.e. "the rich") and (2) he is exempt from it.

The fact that he is "conflicted" about this shows that perhaps there is hope for Mr. Moon yet.  Too bad his and his generation's idiotic 2008 and 2012 votes have rendered it far too late for his gradual ideological awakening to do him any practical good.  An expensive lesson, indeed.

Exit question: Anybody have Mr. Moon's address so I can send him regular bills for my eventual part of this fiasco?

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