Thursday, January 22, 2015

Homofascism In Britain

by JASmius

Bending over Page:

Richard Page, a 68-year-old British Justice of the Peace and evangelical Christian, has been condemned by the country’s highest legal authorities, suspended, and subjected to a day-long re-education session to rid him of the dangerous belief that a child would be better off being adopted by a family with a mother and a father than by a same-sex couple.

Page sat on a family court tribunal last summer to consider a social worker’s recommendation that a foster child be adopted by a gay couple. “I raised some questions in private with the other judges, including that I thought that because a baby comes from a man and a woman it made me think the child would be better off with a father and a mother than with single-sex parents. The other judges didn’t agree at all,” he told LifeSiteNews.

Worse, the other judges complained. A review committee concurred, suspended him from the bench and recommended he be kicked off the lowest rung of the judiciary (but which handles 90% of all criminal crime, plus youth and family cases).

Does it require a savantish talent with mathematics to be able to figure out that, unless that family court tribunal's rulings must be unanimous, Mr. Page's would have been the only vote against the child in question being shunted off to the dinnermashers, and thus the pro-queer majority opinion would have carried the motion?  The other JOPs doubtless think of him as a crank, a yahoo, a "throwback," whatever.  But they have him outnumbered, so it isn't like he can get his way.

But that's not good enough for the homofascists.  It's not enough to ostracize and ghettoize evangelical Christians; it's no longer even enough to destroy evangelical Christians; evangelical Christians must be forced to convert to homofascism.  "Deny Christ and bend over or die" is what this story is only a step short of.

Given that Mr. Page is almost seventy, if I were he, in the absence of any compelling economic reason to the contrary, I would have told them where they could shove their "re-education" nazism and walked out.

Exit (rhetorical) question: What does the growing British Muslim population think of this?  Or are they exempted from the system?

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