Saturday, February 28, 2015

McCain: Time to 'Move On' From Homeland Funding Fight

by JASmius

For those gullible House conservatives who piled in to pass the Senate's one-week extension of "clean" DHS funding last night thinking that they were gaining seven more days to persuade their weak-kneed Senate counterparts to join what was originally advertised as the Republican stand for the Constitution and the rule of law against Barack Obama's unlawful executive amnesty decree, behold the harbinger of your final, crushing defeat from the sneering lips of the GOP king of amnesty himself:

The ongoing House battle over funding the Department of Homeland Security is angering Republican senators, who say it's time to move on to other issues on the legislative calendar.

"I just think we ought to move on to other things," said Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, according to the Hill. "I'm not sure how it helps for the American people to have the perception that Republicans in the Senate and Republicans in the House are at odds with each other. We have a lot of initiatives I think we could show the American people we can work together on."

Senators are pointing out that it's time to move away from the battle and focus on other vital issues, including trade legislation, regulatory and tax reform, and the budget.

However, the ongoing fight, being waged in an effort to block President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration, has brought the other issues to a virtual halt, with the threat of the Homeland Security department facing a shutdown pushing back on other GOP agenda items.

Exactly the sort of condescending Maverick crap that we've grown accustomed to over the years, as though the Senate is where the "adults" reside and the House is littered, cluttered, and overrun with unruly "children".  "Children" who are "obsessed" with this quaint, outmoded notion that preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution of the United States - an oath they have all taken, including Darth Queeg - against the rampaging dictator in the White House who continues to systematically tear the Founding Document limb from figurative limb is just an irrelevant afterthought.  As though beating back a quite literal presidential tyranny just doesn't matter nearly as much as "trade legislation, regulatory and tax reform, and the budget" - none of which will mean a damn thing in any legislative context if Barack Obama can just ignore Congress and decree what he wants on all of those issues as well.

In case you were wondering, two other of the four GOP faces of "comprehensive immigration reform" from the 2013 "Gang of Eight" mini-me'd themselves right into line behind Sailor:

"Why don’t we just look at the court decision in Texas, declare victory and move on?" said Arizona GOP Senator Jeff Flake.

And Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC, agreed that "when the judge ruled, that was the way I wanted to end it."

Oh, you mean the "court decision in Texas" that the White House is already flagrantly and completely ignoring as they bulldoze ahead with Obamnesty implementation?  This is the same dubious excuse-mongering that gave us the 2012 SCOTUS upholding of ObamaCare and the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (one of the authors of which was, appropriately enough, John McCain).  It can be summed up, Jeopardy!-like, in the form of a question: What makes you people think that federal judges at any level are going to be any less susceptible to outside political pressures - especially from this viciously lawless Regime - than are you yourselves?  Besides which is that, constitutionally speaking, it isn't the federal courts' job to stop a despotic chief executive - that responsibility was placed by the Founders on Congress, as the preeminent branch of the federal government.

And the Senate, last I checked, was part of Congress.

And then there's this additional dollop of arrogant condescension:

"What's frustrating is that the House guys think any of the Democrats over here are under pressure to vote or cloture. They're in their own little bubble, it's myopic," said a Senate Republican, who spoke to the Hill permitted on condition of anonymity.

Well, of course Senate Donks aren't going to feel any pressure to vote for cloture on the House DHS bill defunding Obamnesty - if you people won't apply any.  Good Lord, Charles Krauthammer - again, not exactly a Tea Partier fire-eater - urged Senate GOPers to abolish the filibuster in its entirety to get these things done, because otherwise Democrats will still be running the upper chamber from the minority - which is clearly the case, judging by the depressing events this week.

But this Vichy mentality is pervasively impregnable, alas.  They've just been marinating in that Beltway "We've gotta have the Hispanic vote, and they all monolithically want amnesty!" pulp fiction too long, and have been brainwashed into believing that they'll all lose their re-election bids if they don't demonstrate their "ability to govern," defined as serving as Barack Obama's collective rubber stamp.

Illinois's Mark Kirk (who'll almost certainly lose his seat in 2016 anyway) summed it up:

"I think the feeling of most people is this is the fight that we should have not fought," said vulnerable Republican Illinois Senator Mark Kirk. "We really, as a governing party, we've got to fund DHS and say to the House, 'Here’s a straw so you can suck it up.'"

Yeah, and I'm sure they'll tell you to suck on something as well, Senator.

Exit question: Second look at a Democrat Senate restoration?  It's likely only twenty-two months away.

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