Monday, March 30, 2015

Barry U. Joins Cornell In Pro-ISIS Fan Club

by JASmius

....along, apparently, with the rest of American academia:

Administrators at a Catholic university in Florida agreed to help an honors student start a campus club that would send money and supplies to the ISIS terror army.

Hidden camera footage released Monday morning shows officials and faculty at Barry University advising a senior – identified only as 'Laura' – about the best way to secure funding for a club she called 'Sympathetic Students in Support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.'

'I want to start fundraising efforts on campus, and what I want to do is raise funds to send overseas,' she told Derek Bley, the school's Coordinator for Leadership Development and Student Organizations.

Bley offered to help her create the organization and agreed with her request to 'pass out Islamic State flags and educate people' at an annual student 'Festival of Nations' fair.

The video is from Project Veritas, a conservative 'guerilla film-making group' that last week captured a Cornell University dean agreeing that ISIS and Hamas would be welcome at the Ivy League school.

I don't want to poop on the "academic freedom" parade or anything, Allah knows, but seeing what American academia is doing with that freedom, might it not be about time to yank back on those particular reins?  I know loyalty oaths are all "McCarthyite" any everything, but is not open identification with and support of a declared, bloodthirsty enemy of the United States not, well, treason?  Shouldn't this be cracked down upon?

Just listen to "Laura" almost bending over backwards to let on that this was a PV parody sting, and Mr. Bley not only not getting it, but enthusiastically endorsing every outrageously ridiculous thing she said.  It's like he's already orange-jumpsuited and in his cage happily awaiting incineration:

Laura put the murderous ISIS army's credentials front-and-center.

'They are terrorists,' she told Bley, 'but, like, we're trying to help them. We're trying to, like, educate them and give them funding so that they don't have to be impoverished and get involved in acts of violence.'

The valley girl motif was a nice touch.

'You should create jobs and help promote education in the Islamic State,' she added later, 'because that's what helps reduce terrorism.'

An homage to State Commissariat deputy spokesbimbo Marie Harf, who said last month on MSNBCCCP that, "We cannot kill our way out of this war' with ISIS," and that we should, "go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups," including "lack of opportunity for jobs." Something that, of course, the Obama Regime has been pointedly preventing here for over six years.

"Laura" then really ramped up the pro-ISIS absurdity, doubtless wondering what it would take to get this educratic fop to finally balk:

At one point Laura expanded her fictional club's mandate to include providing paper and pencils to the 'widows and orphans' of dead ISIS jihadis.

Another part of her pitch to college officials was a mission that included providing flashlights to ISIS fighters and their families.

'A lot of the facilities have been destroyed' in Iraq and Syria, she said, 'so there is not a lot of electricity and power.'

'A lot of the fighters, they can't see at night, you know?' she continued. 'So, like, people are attacking them and they can't see at night. And because they are so poor, like, they don't have night vision and stuff.'

And Mr. Bley bought it.  Every last ludicrous word.  And so did several of his colleagues.  The only caveats raised were the logistical difficulties of getting all these "CAIR package" shipments to eastern Syria and northern Iraq and the need to obfuscate this "club's" name to hide its true purpose:

'The only thing, as far as the name [goes],' she heard from Frederique Frage, the university's associate director of international and multicultural programs, is that 'technically our country is at war with ISIS'.

Which evidently doesn't mean jack bleep to Barry University (and isn't that an appropriate name?  You really can't make this stuff up).

Frage was quick to add: 'I am not saying that – at all – ISIS represents Islam.'


But students might have 'some reservation' supporting a group engaged in a 'humanitarian effort' aimed at the terror group, she said. 'It's just unfortunate.'

"....that they're all Islamophobes."

Another multicultural program administrator, Daisy Santiago, chimed in that Laura should rename her group 'Students in Support of the Middle East' – 'as opposed to having the 'ISIS' [name].'

A professor who runs the university's honors program later agreed to serve as the pro-ISIS club's faculty advisor.

Laura explained that despite a less focused name that didn't include any mention of terror groups, her organization's mission would remain 'raising money and sending it to the Islamic State.'

Professor Pawena Sirimangkala responded: 'I'll sign. I'm glad to do it.'

These are the perfidious devilspawn that are running this country, ladies and gentlemen - all the way to the very top.  And sixty-two million gerbils, hamsters, lemmings, and traitors put and kept them there.

And there's not a damned thing we can do about it.

Is there?

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