Friday, March 27, 2015

Chain Reaction

by JASmius

I'm scared.  Seriously.  Barack Obama's mad quest for a total sellout to Iran on its nukes is becoming the foreign policy equivalent of a runaway warp core breach.  It's like....well, the movie 12 Monkeys anyway, where you know that an apocalyptic disaster is coming, but not how it's going to happen, and you try to stop it, but you fail and are forced to watch it happen anyway.  And then you die.  Which is a bummer when you're in a seat in the cineplex, or sitting in front of your computer playing Call of Duty, but terrifying when you realize that this isn't a movie, but real life.

This isn't a movie.  It's real life.  Which is why I can't keep a dry pair of knickers.

Look at the following three headlines, all from this afternoon.

1) Obama Now Turning on P5+1 Allies on Iran, Bullying Them Into Supporting a Bad Deal

Efforts by the Obama administration to stem criticism of its diplomacy with Iran have included threats to nations involved in the talks, including U.S. allies, according to Western sources familiar with White House efforts to quell fears it will permit Iran to retain aspects of its nuclear weapons program.

Anything about which the Obama White House attempts to "quell fears" means it's gotten out that that something is precisely what they're trying to accomplish.

A series of conversations between top American and French officials, including between President Obama and French President Francois Hollande, have seen Americans engage in behavior described as bullying by sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

The disagreement over France’s cautious position in regard to Iran threatens to erode U.S. relations with Paris, sources said.

Barack Obama is out-Frenching the French communists.

Tension between Washington and Paris comes amid frustration by other U.S. allies, such as Saudi Arabia and Israel. The White House responded to this criticism by engaging in public campaigns analysts worry will endanger American interests....

The whole world is fully realizing what a monster Barack Obama really is, that he is bent on getting every country in the Middle East annihilated EXCEPT Iran and the Islamic State.  Which has the whimsically pyrrhic solace of ironically fulfilling a 2008 Obama campaign promise: He has, indeed, unified the world regarding America - against us, whether out of betrayal or pre-existing enmity, but why quibble over minor details?

It also has the emerging common thread of every Obama policy, whether foreign or domestic: Either he's never relinquishing power, or if he does, his policies and their consequences will be so long-lastingly damaging as to be functionally permanent and irreversible.

One source in Europe close to the ongoing diplomacy said the United States has begun to adopt a "harsh" stance toward its allies in Paris.

"There have been very harsh expressions of displeasure by the Americans toward French officials for raising substantive concerns about key elements of what the White House and State Department negotiators are willing to concede to Iran," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "That is because the clarifications expose just how weak the Americans' deal is shaping up to be."

But Barack Obama doesn't care.  He wants that piece of paper, and he wants Iran to have nukes because Israel has nukes and it's not fair for the mullahs not to have them as well.  He's the master of all reality, and facts have to conform to his Narrative, and his Narrative is that Iran is our "partner in peace" and Israel is the source of all conflict in the Middle East and if we just give Iran everything it wants all the region's problems will be solved.  You disagree with his Narrative, you're a "threat to peace" that must be discredited, smeared, and destroyed.  Even if you're a French communist.

2) British Foreign Secretary: We'll Have a "Narrative" Coming Out of the Talks; Nothing Will Be Written Down, But That Doesn't Matter

No specifics, nothing written, perhaps not even anything that Iran and the international negotiating partners say as one - that's the most to expect out of the nuclear talks now running up against the deadline in Switzerland, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said Friday.

But even concluding this round of talks with that level of ambiguity, Hammond said, would count as a significant success. And he thinks they'll get it....

"We envisage being able to deliver a narrative. Whether that is written down or not, I don’t think is the crucial issue,”This will be a political statement, or perhaps political statements from the [negotiating partners] and Iran which create enough momentum to make it clear that we've now got this boulder over the hill and we are into the detailed work to produce an agreement." [emphasis added]

First it was a treaty.  Then it wasn't a treaty but just an "agreement" because Barack Obama doesn't want the Senate getting in the way of his getting his piece of paper.  Then he orders Congress to stay out of it entirely, including any renewed economic sanctions or oversight.  Forty seven Republican senators send a letter explaining to the mullahs only that any "agreement" that isn't submitted to the Senate for its review will not be legally binding, and the White House and its congressional drones rabidly condemn them as "traitors" not for undermining their country but for opposing Obama.  And now the agreement is going to be oral, not written.  You know, like the aborigines in Australia and the south Pacific before they discovered literacy.

It was only eight days ago that my co-blogger described the Obama Regime's anti-transparency as "record-breaking".  He had no idea.  This is orders of magnitude beyond "record-breaking".  We don't have words to describe this level of opacity.  No, I take that back - astronomers do: They call it "dark matter".  Something that cannot be seen or detected, either directly or indirectly.  It's like it doesn't exist but they insist it has to because otherwise their entire cosmology falls apart like a Sheldon Cooper rap song.  Or like the Obama-Iran nuclear agreement that is so horrible it must not even be spoken aloud.

In fact, that is the next level of opacity: The agreement will only be known to Ali Khamenei and Barack Obama, and then only in the deepest recesses of a Vulcan mind meld,  Because only "gods" can know the glorious Armageddon that will be unleashed as a result of this "deal".

3) U.S. Allies in Gulf Won't Tell Obama Anything Because They Believe That Obama Is Leaking Secret Information to Iran to Kiss Up To Them

Barack Obama came to power wanting to "reduce America to the level of the rest of the world".  He believed that all the problems in the world were America's fault, the result of America being too strong, too prosperous, too "arrogant," and too "engaged" in the world.  He believed that the way to solve all the world's problems was to take America out of the world, to eliminate its power - economic, military, cultural - to destroy its influence.  To make the United States irrelevant.

Mission accomplished.

Now it's every country for itself, meaning burgeoning, spreading, spiraling chaos across the entire globe, like Serbia 1914 or Poland 1939 or Pearl Harbor 1941 multiplied geometrically to where we have no idea where or exactly when the fatal spark that ignites a nuclear war will begin but the likelihood of that spark being struck approaches statistical certainty.

And there is nothing that the United States can do to stop any of it, because our enemies still hate us (and now consider our destruction a very attainable objective) and none of our former allies trust us; and Barack Obama will never change course (because this is the endgame he intended) and any GOP successor (if there ever is one) like Scott Walker will be powerless because of how long it takes to rebuild international relationships and alliances and regain international credibility and respect (with our friends) and fear (from our enemies) - and because the conflagration may burn the world before an Obama successor can be determined.

I'm reminded of what President Nixon once said: "No president can destroy the country in just four years".  He never said what a president could do along those lines in eight years - probably because he assumed that the American people would be wise enough never to re-elect such a monster.

Looks like Tricky Dick was wrong.

Scared yet?  I hope not, because I need to borrow some dry knickers.

[h/t: AOSHQ]

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