Friday, March 27, 2015

More St. Louis "Social Justice"

by JASmius

Another honky who "had it coming" because, slavery:

An investigation is underway after cell phone video showed a man being beaten while riding the MetroLink Monday night.

According to the 43-year-old victim, a man in his early twenties asked to use his cell phone. When the victim declined to let the suspect use his cell phone, the suspect sat next to him and asked what he thought about the “Mike Brown situation.” When the victim responded that he had not thought much about it, the suspect began punching him in the face, according to the police report.

Video surveillance of the incident showed two other men participated in the assault, police said.

When the MetroLink stopped at the Forest Park station, a security officer boarded the train and saw the assault taking place. The suspects left the MetroLink and the security guard notified police of the incident.

Well, the black "youth" did have at least one hand "up".  Sort of.  That it was balled into a fist and repeatedly slamming into the white victim's face is completely irrelevant.

Exit question: What do you think the black "youth" would have done if the white victim had said that he supported the grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson?  The latter might just have saved the St. Louis PD a murder investigation.

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