Friday, March 27, 2015

Obama Exposes Israel's Nuclear Program

by JASmius

Thus giving our new Iranian "friends" the arsenal target they need to surpass (assuming, again, that they haven't already surpassed ours, much less Israel's), and telling them precisely where to aim their warheads.  Gee, thanks, Barry!  I'm sure Ali appreciates it!:

The U.S. government has chosen to declassify a top secret document that pulls the lid off Israel's nuclear weapons program.

According to Israel National News, the document written in 1987 was released in early February. It is believed to be the first time the U.S. has publicly acknowledged Israel has nuclear arms.

Which, to be fair, is one of the worst-kept secrets on the planet.  And really, if you were the Jews, with their ethnic and national history of diaspora and persecution and near-genocide, surrounded by over a billion bloodthirsty Muslim enemies, would you hammer your swords into plowshares and your spears into pruning hooks?  And yet with a thirty year head-start on the mullahs, Israel has never, not once, engaged in a single act of strategic preemption.

There's a lesson in that, if only Barack Obama was willing to learn it.

The 386-page document provides a detailed breakdown of how Israel developed nuclear weapons in the 1970s and 1980s.

You know, just in case the mullahs still needed any tips or shortcuts.  Kind of like copying the test answers from the smart kid.

Israel is "developing the kind of codes which will enable them to make hydrogen bombs. That is, codes which detail fission and fusion processes on a microscopic and macroscopic level," reads the report, called "Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations."

The document, paraphrases Israel National News, says Israel was "reaching the ability to create bombs considered a thousand times more powerful than atom bombs" in the 1980s.

Up to twenty megatons per warhead, eh?  That would be a nice message to send to the mullahs, who can't go overboard on the overkill with all their nukes since Israel is not that big and they would, presumably, want to avoid collateral and fallout damage to the "Dar al-Islam" - which, come to think of it, may be the only factor holding back the Iranian nuclear onslaught The One is doing his damnedest to facilitate.

The document also says Israel's nuclear research laboratories "are equivalent to [the United States' Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National Laboratories." 
"As far as nuclear technology is concerned the Israelis are roughly where the U.S. was in the fission weapon field in about 1955 to 1960," reads the document.

Of course you know the immediate reason why the White House leaked this information, right?  To bring the Israeli nuclear program into the same "international negotiations" framework as that of the mullahs.  A treacherous quid pro quo: If Prime Minister Netanyahu wants the Iranians to give up their nukes, Israel has to reciprocate - first.  Very soon now, the "international community," led by Barack Hussein Obama, will be demanding unilateral nuclear disarmament from Israel, while the Iranian nuclear weapons arsenal will be completely forgotten - which will be nicely facilitated by the unconditional surrender "deal" the Obama Regime will conclude with Tehran in a matter of days, if not hours.

One more time: Is there anybody out there who still believes that Barack Obama is "incompetent"?

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