Friday, March 27, 2015

Operation Jade Helm & The Chechen Connection

by JASmius

Say, could that little red strip at the bottom of California not be better named, "The Gibbs Pocket"?  Just thinking out loud....

You know, I am not a conspiracist by both rule and temperment.  I've never bought into the whole "Bildeburger/Council On Foreign Relations/Illuminati" spiel, not least reason of which is because it is flagrantly anti-Semitic, but primarily because it offends my highly developed sense of rationality and Vulcan logic.  To wit: conspiracies are not only the least efficient means of accomplishing anything - if keeping the whole thing secret is such an imperative, but you have to enlist the assistance and cooperation of dozens or hundreds or thousands of individuals, all with mouths and brains and Internet access - but in the times in which we live now, they're not even necessary, because the hoi palloi are so corrupted and ignorant that everything the would-be conspiracist needs done can be carried out in full public view and any onlookers will follow their brainwashed programming and disbelieve their lying eyes.

Which segues right into this "massive multi-State illegal domestic military 'training' drill":

Seven Southwestern states will soon be infiltrated by 1,200 military special ops personnel as part of a controversial domestic military training in which some of the elite soldiers will operate undetected among civilians.

Operation Jade Helm begins in July and will last for eight weeks. Soldiers will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado where some of them wil drop from planes while carrying weapons loaded with blanks in what military officials have dubbed "Realistic Military Training".

Domestically.  Here at home.  Among their fellow American citizens.  As if we were the enemy.  Which, as far as the Obama Regime is concerned, we are.

Posse Comitatus Act, anyone?  Or is this another of those obscure liberty-preserving statutes that are only applicable to Republicans and not Democrats?

Amazingly, the reporting on this massive multi-State illegal domestic military "training" drill is not, for once, limited to the overseas media:

Operation Jade Helm will bring a coalition of forces, including the Green Berets, SEALS, and special operations commands from the Air Force and Marines to Texas for two months of “realistic military training” in a simulated [?] “hostile” territory between July and September this summer.

Army Special Operation Command spokesman Mark Lastoria said soldiers would practice “emerging concepts in special operations warfare” in Texas.

Does anybody believe the choice of venue is an accident?

“Training exercise Jade Helm is going to assist our Special Operations Soldiers in refining the skills needed against an ever changing foreign threat,” he said.

Among the planned exercises, soldiers will try to operate undetected amongst civilian populations....

Or "infiltrate," in plain, non-Romulan English. some towns and cities where residents will be advised to report any suspicious activity they notice....

IOW, flush out the "subversives" for future reference. a means of testing the military’s effectiveness, said county law enforcement officials who had been briefed by the Army.

IOW, local law enforcement is in on the plot.

“They’re going to set up cells [!!!] of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office. “They’re testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.”

Oh, yeah, there's nothing at all suspicious about that, now is there?

Here's a question to contemplate: How does it enhance special ops training in foreign lands to  attempt to infiltrate one's own country?  Shouldn't the latter be vastly easier than the former?  Don't they already know the language, the pop culture, the local "slang", etc.?  Hell's teeth, I myself would stand an at least decent chance of "infiltrating" the American southwest, it seems to me.  The only way in which Rangers and SEALs and Delta Force guys could blow their "cover" is if they caused the locals to wonder what in the world they're doing...well, "infiltrating" their own country.

Or, in other words, the Obama Regime is taking a "dry run" at near-future martial law operations right out in plain sight.

I know, it sounds conspiracist.  But has "training" like Operation Jade Helm ever been undertaken before?  If it has, feel free to cite such past instances in the comments, but I'm sure as hell not aware of any.

And that brings us to Vladimir Putin's version of the Zimmerman telegram:

The Chechen parliament has threatened to send weapons to Mexico in retaliation to the U.S. Congress calling for defensive lethal aid to be sent to Ukraine.

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favour of sending arms - the resolution was passed 348 to 48.

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) branded it “absolutely necessary” that [Barack] Obama provide lethal and nonlethal military assistance to Ukraine, in light of the attacks by Russian-backed rebels on civilians in Mariupol in January.

In response, Chechnya's parliamentary speaker Dukuvakha Abdurakhmanov said that the U.S. has “no right” to advise Russia on how to behave with its neighbours.

He warned that the supply of arms to Ukraine will be perceived by Chechnya, a southern Russian republic, as a signal to deliver new weapons to Mexico to “resume debate on the legal status of the territories annexed by the U.S.

Abdurakhmanov is referring to the states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming, which Mexico surrendered to the U.S. in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, a peace deal which concluded the Mexican-American conflict....

Adurakhmanov said: “We reserve the right to conduct conferences in Russia, Mexico and the U.S. to raise the question of breaking away the above mentioned states from the U.S. and supplying weapons to resistance fighters there.” [emphases added]

Or "tit for tat," as Obamunists would call it.

Now, of course, congressional Republican can "resolutionize" all the live-long day, and it won't accomplish jack, as Barack Obama will never, EVER provide military aid to Ukraine - he believes the wrong side won the Cold War and Putin is entitled to take back the old Evil Empire, remember?  But does anybody out there believe that only U.S. military aid to Ukraine will trigger Russian military aid to, say, the Mexican narco-terror networks?  Or that this would constitute a crisis that Barack Obama wouldn't eagerly exploit to bring about Mr. Abdurakhmanov's publicly stated objective?  Does Fast & Furious ring any bells?

And just think, my friends: It's all taking place in full public view.  And the public at large will never notice it.

Call it a "twenty-first century conspiracy".

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