Monday, March 30, 2015

Supreme Court Rejects ObamaCare Death Panel Challenge

by JASmius

Remember how we were all rock-solid certain three years ago that the SCOTUS would strike down the Individual Mandate as the unconstitutional fine it really is, and then Chief Justice John Roberts and the Obamunist wing....didn't?  Remember the King v. Burwell case challenging the legality of federal ObamaCare subsidies that the Unaffordable Care-Less Act explicitly omits from its text that Olympus will hear and rule on in June?

This development does nothing to bolster O-Care foes' confidence:

The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a new challenge to Barack Obama's healthcare law that took aim at a bureaucratic board labeled by some as a "death panel" because it was designed to cut Medicare costs.

The high court left intact a ruling by the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that threw out the lawsuit.

The court's action in an unsigned order was a victory for Obama administration, which has faced a barrage of legal challenges to the 2010 [Una]ffordable Care[-Less] Act, often called ObamaCare. The court is currently weighing a separate case challenging health insurance subsidies that are key to ObamaCare's implementation.

A ruling is due by the end of June.

Does anybody still believe that the SCOTUS won't side with the Regime on this case as well?  Does it not illustrate vividly anew the futility of resorting to the federal courts and that the only way out from under ObamaCare is via Congress and a Scott Walker presidency?  And does that not illustrate why an Obama coup de tat is becoming more and more likely?

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