Saturday, March 28, 2015

Why Elizabeth Warren Will Be The 2016 Democrat Nominee

by JASmius

She's a leftwingnut, the Donk base loves her, and she gives them all the bloody, raw "blue" meat they insatiably crave.

And, yes, she has a vagina, I'm guessing:

Just hours after Reuters reported that Citigroup and other banks are debating whether to halt some of their own donations, Senator Elizabeth Warren is calling on her followers to make up the difference.

Citing "concerns that Senate Democrats could give Warren and lawmakers who share her views....

In other words, Senate Democrats.

....more power," Citigroup has already decided for now to withhold donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, sources inside the bank told Reuters. The maximum that bank could donate under campaign finance rules is $15,000 per year....

Interesting, no?  Mrs. Clinton would have preemptively worked out a secret quid pro quo where Citigroup, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Bank of America each chipped in fifteen MILLION bucks in protection money.  And in the event that the banks were backing out on her, she'd probably be panicking herself into (another) stroke, as screwing them over wouldn't be on the agenda until after she was safely elected.

But guile about her core ideological motivations just isn't in Fauxcahontas's nature.

In December, Warren gave a long speech criticizing the close ties between Citigroup and Congress. "There's a lot of talk coming from Citigroup about how the Dodd-Frank Act isn't perfect," Warren said. "So let me say this to anyone who is listening at Citi: I agree with you. Dodd-Frank isn’t perfect. It should have broken you into pieces."

The move is more symbolic than financial, and has already spurred a counteroffensive from Warren. In a fundraising request (titled "Wall Street isn't happy with us,") Warren accused the banks of wanting Washington to puts its needs before Americans and "get a little public fanny-kissing for their money too." The pitch argues that 2016 Democratic Senate candidates could lose $30,000 each, and asks for for help raising matching funds. [emphasis added]

And she'll get it to, even though she's taken quite a haul from "The Street" herself.  But she's a Marxist-Leninist and Democrat and female and "original American," so she gets a tribal special dispensation and get-out-of-the-jail-teepee-free card.  The Nutroots could care less what she does, as long as she's blasting and destroying their shared enemies, and her name isn't Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Eleven years ago Donks eschewed their hero, Howard Dean, and held their collectiv(ist) noses and went with the "electable" John Kerry.  They will never make that mistake again even if the Massachusetts senior senator has about as much chance in the 2016 general as a 49er beanie in Pike Place Market.  Another demonstration of Warren's fundraising prowess will give Her Nib fresh heartburn, but it will also be another signal to the Dem rank & file that they really aren't resigned to somebody they loathe and know will lose, but can opt for the (slightly) younger, "uncompromised" version that they love and can delude themselves into obstinate insistence that she can win.

The thirty grand is just the down-payment on the avalanche to come.

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