Wednesday, April 01, 2015

2016: Clinton/Bush Face-off Not in the Cards

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Last night during my Constitution Class in Corona, California, one of the students asked me, "What can we do about stopping the establishment from making sure Jeb Bush is the presidential nominee?"

The reality is, the Republican Party is willing to do just about anything to put a moderate candidate up as the next nomination.  They have this silly notion that you must move to the middle to win a presidential election to grab independents that sit on the fence.  The GOP is doing all it can to distance itself from the "radical rightwing" base, shunning the Tea Party while embracing the Log Cabin Republicans (homosexuals) and pro-amnesty candidates in the hope of achieving the wonderful opportunity to milk a few leftwingers from the fence and into the great big inclusive tent.  But, as the Republican Party leaders sell the soul of the GOP in order to gain a few liberal voters that refuse to call themselves Democrats, they are losing plenty more that refuse to compromise their beliefs and vote for a party that is abandoning its conservative platform.  Like most conservatives, I prefer to vote my conscience.  If Jeb Bush becomes the Republican nomination in 2016, one thing is for sure; the Republican Party will once again lose the opportunity to return to the White House.  Only a conservative who can articulate conservatism, and doesn't have targets so large that even a two-year old could hit them, can win in 2016.  Jeb Bush will cause the conservative voters to flee for the hills.  Chris Christie would cause an even larger evacuation of conservatives from the GOP during the election.  And Ted Cruz, regardless of how conservative he is, and how wonderful of a Senator most folks believe him to be, has targets so big all over his body that doing to him like the liberal left did to Sarah Palin would be a cake-walk.  Our best chance for winning in 2016 is Scott Walker, with Rand Paul perhaps as a second possibility. . . perhaps.

On the other side of the aisle, Hillary Clinton's chances were long gone a long time ago.  JASmius and I have been saying for many years that Hillary Clinton will not be the Democrat Party candidate in 2016 for President of the United States.  She has too much baggage, and Democrats are not willing to play into the dynasty madness. . . unless that candidate is their messiah that can use racism as a violent weapon, Barack Hussein Obama.  Barring Obama figuring out a way to disregard the 22nd Amendment and run for a third term, JASmius is convinced Elizabeth Warren may be the next candidate for the party of the jackass.  I have been convinced that since the race card worked so well with Obama, and now that the Democrats have been courting Hispanic voters (largely by importing more through illegal immigration), the next Democrat to run for President will be a Hispanic, likely San Antonio's favorite son, Julian Castro.

"Wait, Doug," I can hear some of you saying.  "He's got no experience.  He's only been a mayor, and now is only the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development."

And did the lack of experience stop them from putting Obama in office?  The liberal left statist socialist commie Democrats don't care about experience.  They want to win, and they can't do it in the arena of ideas, so they do it by appealing to the low-information voters who could care less about experience, just as long as the President isn't one of those "racist" Republicans, and as long as the candidate looks more like them.  The race card has worked wonders with the first black President, so surely a Hispanic candidate will make a killing too, right?

Clinton is old, worn-out, and carries way too much baggage for the Democrats to care about putting her up as their person.  And the sexism card is not nearly as effected as the race card.  So, while all of the Chicken Littles on the conservative side are running in circles worried about Hillary Clinton becoming the next President of the United States, I am here to tell you to not fret about us having another Clinton in the White House.  Hillary is not going to be the Democrat candidate in 2016.  It's going to be someone much worse.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

O'Malley Speaks Out Against Possible Dynastic Rematch for White House - New York Times

Nixonian Hillary Wiped Her Server - Rush Limbaugh

Benghazi Committee seeks 'transcribed' interview with Clinton over deleted records - Fox News

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