Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Con-Con Versus Article V. Convention

By Douglas V. Gibbs

In an email response to a friend of mine that is a member of the John Birch Society, who said he heard I support a Con-Con, I explained to him in full my point of view:


Your assumption of my opinion regarding convention is based on a false premise.  I do not support a con-con, for there has only been one Constitutional Convention, it was in 1787, and that should be the only one we have.  I do support an Article V. Convention, which is a totally different animal.  There are only two ways to propose amendments to the Constitution, and if you refuse to support an Article V. Convention which allows We the People through our States to propose amendments, then that means you support the idea that the only way amendments should be proposed is through Congress.  Do you really trust Congress to be the only ones allowed to propose amendments?

The fail-safe in the case of the Article V. Convention, as with if Congress proposes amendments, is that any amendments proposed by We the People through our States still has to receive 3/4 ratification from the State legislatures (or by convention if the State so chooses).

As for the fear of a runaway convention, why would the Left do that in plain sight when they are capable of destroying the Constitution through the courts as they have been since John Marshall?  The fear of an Article V. Convention was created, and is driven, by the Left because they fear an Article V. Convention and they want us to fear it as well, a fear based on their propaganda, so that we don't use that tool the founders gave us to limit the powers of the federal government through amending the Constitution.

I also teach that we should have a Republic Review, which is a grass roots convention to establish and enumerate the federal government's unconstitutional aspects.  Such an audit of the federal government can then be used to educate and sway the States in how they handle their role regarding nullification, and a potential Article V. Convention.

Douglas V. Gibbs
Constitution Radio, Moving Soon to KMET
Conservative Voice Radio, KMET 1490AM
Author, "25 Myths of the United States Constitution," "The Basic Constitution," and "Silenced Screams: Abortion in a Virtuous Society"
President, Constitution Association

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