Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Son Of Hamas & The Religion Of War

by JASmius

I guess sometimes, the apple really does fall far from the tree:

He is the son of Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas, and the man who became the face of the “Second Intifada.”

His name? Mosab Hassan Yousef. Not only is he a convert to Christianity, but he also worked as a double agent within the Israeli security service Shin Bet against the State Department-designated terrorist organization Hamas.

The author of Son of Hamas recently sat down in an interview with Glenn Beck of The Blaze, and he uttered a phrase that is not new, but is nonetheless striking.

“Islam is the religion of war.”

Which is kind of like eureka-izing that water is wet.

But who would know this better than the "Son of Hamas"?  Who would have more credibility in stating the blindingly obvious?  And who is better suited to lead the Islamic apostasy movement, since even a rudimentary understanding of the Qu'ran indicates that jihadism is the "Muslim Reformation"?

After all, which is the more credible: the son of a jihadist born in Israel who tells the truth about Islamic Fundamentalism, or the son of a jihadist born in Kenya who insatiably extols and defends Islamic Fundamentalism as if he were an acolyte?

1 comment:

  1. This man is very brave and courageous. I think his message is exactly what Americans are looking for and we need to embrace him like we embraced Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I would like to see the two of them collaborate and get everyone straight on the Islamic BS that people have had to endure over the many years. It is a BS religion/cult. The Koran is even a BS document written by many----not Mohammed. The fact that the "religion" is totally against education is a real Ding-ding-ding, wake up call.
