Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Large Majorities Of Americans Support SCOTUS ObamaCare & Gay Marriage Decisions

by JASmius

I know, I know, it's a CNN poll, and it's just one survey, and a YouGov poll last week showed a plurality of the public opposed to having the Court force sodomarriage on the country.  And I know how bitter-ender Tea Partiers get about these crushing defeats we keep suffering as the country continues to spiral down the "progressive" drain.

But the reality is, as I've been Jeremiahcally saying ever since November 6th, 2012, that the country has already been lost beyond any hope of saving it, which these numbers only redundantly corroborate:

According to a new CNN/ORC poll, 63% support the Court’s ruling upholding government assistance for lower-income Americans buying health insurance through both state-operated and federally-run health insurance exchanges. Slightly fewer, 59%, say they back the ruling which made same-sex marriages legal in all 50 states…

Democrats are more apt to say they back the ruling on the 2010 health care law sometimes referred to as Obamacare — 79% back it — than they are to support the same-sex marriage decision, of which 70% favor. Among Republicans, 54% said they oppose the ruling on health care, while 59% oppose the ruling on same-sex marriage, not a statistically-significant difference. Among independents, 63% support each ruling.

Republicans are most apt in the new poll to say the Court’s ideology is too far to the left: 69% see the Court as too liberal. That’s up from 2012, when 59% of Republicans called it too liberal.

I also know what a lot of you stubbornly persist in believing - namely, that America is still "REALLY" conservative, and if we just "Fight!  Fight!  Fight!" hard enough, we can still WIN! and turn all of this around and roll it all back.  Again, reality is bitterly different from those pipedreams.  Only on the Right is there significant opposition to ObamaCare and sodomarriage now, and even there large minorities favor both as well.  And the country is majority liberal/"independent" (i.e. stupidly liberal), as conclusively demonstrated by the 2008 and 2012 elections,  And when you figure in that TPers tend not to turn out for their own party because GOPers insufficiently ideologically "pure" and don't "Fight!  Fight!  Fight!" to their satisfaction, the verdict becomes pretty ironclad and conclusive,  Which the CNN survey excruciatingly illustrates,

Most - close to all, really - of today's American "adults" were never inculcated with the true meaning of, and any patriotic respect for, the documents on which the United States of America was - were - founded,  It was always the long term "progressive" objective, transforming the American population into the "reactionary sheeple" that could be manipulated and led around by the collective nose and duped into putting on their own slave chains believing it to be a new birth of freedom.  Now that objective has been attained, and undoing it will be vastly more difficult and time-consuming than its original infliction was.  Most likely, it is impossible, at least in the absence of a complete collapse that does not land us in an even worse tyranny,

But rest assured, my Tea Party friends, I am not suggesting that we resign ourselves to our fate, that we accept that "resistance is futile" - even though it functionally is,  As this site's proprietor has powerfully reiterated of late, we don't fight the good fight for America's Constitution and Judeo-Christian heritage because we expect to win - i.e. we're not "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots" - but because it's the right thing to do, and because we refuse to be accessories to our own country's and culture's demise,  As Antipas of Christian church legend told the Roman soldiers about to roast him to death for refusing to bow to Caesar as LORD instead of Christ after they told him the whole world was against him, "Then Antipas is against the whole world!"

Just understand that the end result is far more likely to be exceedingly unpleasant than triumphant.

That part is God's job.

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