Monday, June 29, 2015

Revival Revolution

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I am no longer going to call myself a conservative.  There is nothing left to conserve.  The United States Supreme Court drove the final nails into the coffin of the United States Constitution last week, slaughtering all five rights enumerated in the First Amendment with one ruling alone.

Religious Freedom has been set aside for the sexual perversion of less than two percent of the population.  They have labeled the gay agenda as being a Civil Rights Movement, using the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as justification for the federal government to force Christians into compliance with their normalization of a perverse sexual behavior.  By making the gay movement one akin to the Civil Rights Movement for the Black Community, the liberal left has silenced all opposition.  How can one dare say a single word in opposition if such opposition is considered the voice of bigotry or discrimination?

Sexual Behavior is not an ethnicity, or racial designation, no more than choosing to be a radical Muslim is.  But, the Supreme Court is fine with sexual deviants demanding a designation as a protected class, and any dissent will not be tolerated.  Freedom of Religion to believe that homosexuality is a sinful behavior and the sexual activity is in opposition of God's plan for us is now a political issue, and the Christian Churches are being told to change your opinion, or be destroyed (fined, jailed, etc.).  Freedom of Speech also is out the door.  The silencing of those that dare to speak out against the tyranny we are seeing forced upon us without any dissent being allowed is being encouraged by calls of bigotry, hate speech and discrimination.  It won't be long before speaking in a manner considered unacceptable to the Homosexual agenda will be punishable by the full force of law.  Persons hold such "anti-gay" opinions are already losing their jobs, businesses, and positions in government the business world.  Freedom of the Press will follow, for once it becomes a criminal act to voice any opinion that does not fully embrace homosexuality, anything in the press that dares such opposition will be seen as taboo, and criminally investigated.

The other two rights enumerated in the First Amendment have also been taken away from the American People.  The right of the people to peaceably assemble, should they dare do so in protest of homosexuality, is in the process of being eliminated; and, the Supreme Court's decision last week forcing States to comply with the federal dictate that no State can have any laws that stand against homosexuality has eliminated the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  How can you have petitions to define marriage between a man and a woman if unelected judges are going to rule that you don't have the right to have that opinion?

California's Proposition 8 was the beginning of that one.  The people voted to change California's State Constitution on the State Issue of Marriage, and a single gay judge began the process that included a whole string of unelected judges to dictate to the people what they are allowed to believe, allowed to make law regarding, and allowed to religiously practice.

After the Charleston Shooting, the Obama administration is moments away from going after the Second Amendment full throttle, again, too.

The Third Amendment will follow shortly after in order to force the Christians that refuse to bow to the omnipotent power of the federal government into compliance.

Illegal search a seizures for anti-gay paraphernalia, confederate flags, and hate documents like the Holy Bible, will follow shortly after that (not that the federal government doesn't already violate the Fourth Amendment. . . between the NSA and the IRS, that amendment means nothing to them).

And the list goes on.

So how do we fight this?  How can we stand up against this if we are going to wind up fined and arrested?

It is simple.  You stand in civil disobedience, you protest, you put pressure on your representatives, and you form groups dedicated to the revival of the United States Constitution, and the virtue of a Christian society.  Any less is to be complicit by allowing this to happen.  Resist Evil.  Stand up for a Revival Revolution.

There will be a Special Constitution Association Meeting next week.

We must respond to what is going on in our country.  We appeal to Heaven with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.  We must revive our nation, and restore the republic, not because we are revolutionaries, but because the federal government has left us no other choice than to organize and demand as free members of American Society that our rights be restored, and honored.

I am no longer a conservative.  I am a Constitutionalist.  I am a Revivalist.  I am a man determined to restore the Republic.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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