Monday, July 13, 2015

Here Comes Hillarynomics

by JASmius

Nothing that we weren't expecting: the same Marxist pandering to the Nutroots who don't believe a "progressive" word that comes out of the mouth of such a notoriously and hypocritically wealthy, money-grubbing woman.  Bashing free market capitalism ("trickle-down"), conflating "aiding the middle class" (with still more big government socialism, natch, as if there was anything left in that policy cupboard after six and a half years of Godbama) with decimating the (non-Democrat) rich with still more brutally confiscatory tax increases, still more minimum wage hikes ("America needs a raise," when what Americans REALLY need are jobs), etc.

I wouldn't have bothered putting up a post about this "major policy speech" but for another by-now trademark instance of Mrs. Clinton stepping on another rhetorical rake that smacked her right between the eyes:

[Mrs.] Clinton even took a veiled shot at Barack Obama’s administration for failing to prosecute individuals for banking crimes in the wake of the [Democrat Financial Logic Bomb-triggered] 2008 economic downturn [that put Obama in the White House to begin with].

She accused hedge funds and high-frequency traders of “criminal behavior,” and promised to “prosecute individuals as well as firms” when they break the law — which liberals have long clamored for, but the Obama administration largely didn’t do.

Because they were paying so much "protection money" (i.e. Democrat campaign contributions) that it made much more sense to coopt them than make martyrs of them.

She also said she’d seek to expand on the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law designed to prevent future economic crises....

Designed to prop up "Big Banks" and suppress smaller bank competition and financial innovations, among other things.  Which would seem to run counter to her professed objectives.

Stories of misconduct by individuals and institutions in the financial industry are shocking. HSBC allowing drug cartels to launder money, five major banks pleading guilty to felony charges for conspiring to manipulate currency exchange and interest rates? There can be no justification or tolerance for this kind of criminal behavior.

At least none that regular $500,000 Bill Clinton speeches won't cure.  Which HSBC already figured out at least four years ago, since they're a major Clinton Foundation "donor".

Earlier this morning I made a point of emphasizing that among Scott Walker's many great strengths as a candidate and officeholder is his authenticity.  This is a commodity that Hillary Clinton has never possessed and could never attain now in a thousand lifetimes.  There is pretty much no issue on which she can confabulate that there will not be whole fields of rakes on which for her to step.  Economic "populism"?  She's a filthy, stinking, corrupt, money-grubbing political mafioso who hasn't driven herself anywhere in a generation and hasn't been a "regular America" for years before that.  Foreign policy?  Some of our worst enemies are....major Clinton Foundation "donors".  Any other domestic issue?  Clinton Foundation again.

Y'see, there's a reason why POTUS's usually wait until AFTER leaving office to cash in.  But then POTUS's heretofore haven't had maniacally over-ambitious spouses with power-madness of their own following in their wake.

La Clinton Nostra had a choice to make fifteen years ago: Money in huge, enormous stacks, or more power.  Hillary chose the money.  And though she, of course, has never realized it, she was forever foregoing the power that she had always sought, and still thinks she's pursuing, but which she will never, ever attain.

I'd elaborate further, but it'll all be in her next, post-election "New York Times best-selling" book Screw All You Rotten Bastards Straight To Hell.  For which I'll wage the advance will be spectacular, and will include HSBC in the dedication.

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