Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hegelian Principle and the General Will

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

They call themselves progressives.  The name has changed, but the principles haven't.  The Founding Fathers called them "utopianists."  The reality is, however, due to human nature, true utopia has never been a possibility. . . at least not here on Earth in this realm.

The tactics of utopianists has never changed.  There's been tweaks and manipulation of the language, but the basic idea has never changed.  Control.  Power.  Giving to a ruling elite the authority to dictate over the ignorant masses.

The United States has always been the exception to the rule, when it comes to history.  Tyranny is the norm, Liberty is the exception.  That makes this an exceptional country with an exceptional system of government.

The American System was designed to combat the forces that lead to tyranny by providing checks and balances, along with a limitation of authorities granted to the government.  While we are not a pure democracy, the democratic voice of the people are supposed to be present in the House of Representatives.  All other votes were originally intended to be indirect, giving to the States the power to appoint Senators, and to electors the power to elect a president.  At the foundation of the whole system is liberty, individualism, self-reliance, personal responsibility, and a free market.

Under the American System the United States has enjoyed over two hundred years of liberty.  From the beginning, forces existed that were determined to fundamentally change our system of freedom to a system of bondage.  Every culture harbors those who believe themselves to be a ruling elite, smarter than the average person, and entitled to control through the hell-bound concept of government mandated good intentions and the common good.

Jean Jacques Rousseau was among those early utopianists of the eighteenth century.  He was a Frenchman who was among the catalysts that brought about the French Revolution which emerged shortly after the Americans fought their own Revolutionary War. As a supporter of big government, Rousseau championed the concept of The General Will, an idea designed by statism to "ensure the public good." Nationalists and Utopianists of the time believed that the lowly, uninformed people were unable to properly maintain society. As instructed by the writings of Plato, central government power was required.  According to their belief system, a ruling elite was needed to ensure society ran smoothly, and operated in the best interest of the people. The political power was trusted by the people to serve The General Will, not their own individual interests.

The propaganda behind The General Will convinced the people that the existence of The General Will was not only real, but existed in such a manner that it was not necessarily expressed by the general public. The General Will was presumed to be only known and recognized by the ruling elite. According to Rousseau, "no aspect of human life is excluded from the control of the general will," and "whosoever refuses to obey the general will must in that instance be restrained by the body politic, which actually means that he is forced to be free."

Supporters of The General Will wished to dissolve the people into a homogeneous mass, abolish decentralization, and remove representative institutions. The Founding Fathers hated and feared the concept of The General Will, for if the concept were to invade the American System, then all voluntary associations would wind up becoming subjected to government regulation in the name of "the people," their "will," and for the "good of society." These mandates would be argued to be in The General Will, as interpreted by the ruling elite, and would enable the beginning of the end of individual liberty.

Big Government statists believe in the existence of the public interest, placing the "good of the community" over the rights of the individual. These policies tend to benefit small, but powerful, special interests at the expense of the rest of the society.  According to the philosophy, it is necessary for the ruling elite to place such policies into place because the public doesn't understand now to rule themselves.  They must be forced to understand, and comply, with the General Will.

Benjamin Franklin recognized that systems must achieve order, but rejected the rule of man through concepts like the General Will. He said, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.  As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

John Adams recognized the same, indicating that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

The ingredients the Founding Fathers recognized as being necessary for an ordered society to be successful, without a ruling elite dictating to the people how to live their lives includes a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, and a system established under the rule of law. Historically, the rule of law attained the most success when it was based on biblical principles.  The law of the land was written in the form of a constitution, and the maintenance of the system was achieved through a government strong enough to protect, preserve and promote liberty, while limited through a system of checks and balances, and a representative government.

Those who support the idea of a ruling elite consider such systems of liberty to be dangerous, and the concept of individualism to be a danger to the proper functioning of any system. In the minds of the collectivists, the American System has been successful despite what the collectivists call "psychotic individualism."

To achieve that kind of control, however, the statists must destroy the existing system, and erase the memory of liberty from the minds of the inhabitants, or convince the citizenry that liberty is slavery and turn them against the system created by the Founding Fathers so that the people will embrace bondage, and gladly raise the red flag of statism themselves.

The emergence of America, and the presence of the Saxon System in Britain and parts of northern Europe encouraged the birth of the Hegelian Dialectic, a set of principles established to combat liberty, and return civilization to one controlled by tyranny, and a ruling elite.

We have watched as the "progressives" of today have created chaos across the globe.  The economy is in dire condition, there are shortages of food and fuel, confiscatory taxation, a crisis in education, the threat of war, and other diversions to condition Americans for the “New World Order."

The tactic to bring about The General Will was developed after the statists realized that the United States was a beacon of liberty, and needed to be brought down.  The technique has been used since the beginning of time, but it received its name shortly after the United States had won its independence.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher, and a major figure in German Idealism. Georg Hegel was born on August 27, 1770, in Stuttgart, Germany, and died on November 14, 1831, in Berlin, Germany.  He developed (or re-developed, depending on how you look at it) a theory that greatly influenced the philosophies and ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (communism).  Hegel held great disdain for the concept of Individualism.  His ideas were designed to cultivate and bring about collectivism.  His strategy, the Hegelian dialectic, is not only a strategy of outcomes, but also a strategy of psychological projection.
The Hegelian Dialectic was designed to bring about change in a three-step process: Thesis - Create a problem. Antithesis - Generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic and hysteria). Synthesis - Offer the solution to the problem created by the Thesis.  The solution is a change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in the first two stages.  Ultimately, the solution will be more government.

Suddenly, BlackLivesMatter makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

The Hegelian Dialectic, with great financial support and propaganda assistance, is capable of dismantling social and political structures guided by liberty.  Here in the United States, and in today's global political dichotomy, the objective is to emasculate sovereign states, merge nations under universal government, centralize economic powers, and control the world's people and resources.

None of what is going on is about the symptoms being presented.  To the liberal left, none of this is really about war, climate change, racial discord, abortion, transgenderism, homosexuality, or economic strife.  We are in a political and spiritual war for our freedoms.  What we are experiencing is not just some political disagreement.  The Democrats are waging a Marxist Revolution.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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