Monday, January 30, 2017

South Los Angeles Republicans

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Yesterday I had the Blessed opportunity to spend some time with the South Los Angeles Inglewood Republican Assembly group. It was their scorecard awards ceremony and I had the opportunity to attend this event at the Boys & Girls Club in Los Angeles. I met members of this group last year during an Orange County picnic for local Republican Assembly groups, I had been invited to the picnic by a Republican Assembly group I had spoken for at an event not long prior to that. So I bought a half-page ad on the program for yesterday's event, I figured I might as well buy a ticket, too, so I could be there to see what they were up to. The folks I met were phenomenal. I joke that I am blessed to live in Murrieta because the Murrieta-Temecula-Menifee area is the new Orange County. We sometimes feel like we're the last Republican Bastion of Southern California. These folks in Los Angeles, however, live in a very hostile territory when it comes to being a republican. Conservatism is not exactly a majority opinion in the Los Angeles area. The gentleman who invited me introduced me to a number of folks there, and I was interviewed by a local video/television outlet. At my table we talked about the U.S. Constitution (or course), and one of the young men who was a business owner told me I was literally blowing his mind with what I was talking about when it came to State sovereignty and the States, since they are the authors of the Constitution, they are the parents over the federal government. We discussed authorities, and how sometimes the federal government has taken authorities upon itself that while seems obvious they should have the authority (such as in the cases of the FCC or the FDA or the FAA), they took it upon themselves to have those authorities without asking the States first through the amendment process in which it takes 3/4 of the states to ratify. By the end of the evening I had run out of business cards and I had shaken hands with nearly everyone in the room.

Here's the thing; we are told all the time about how it is the Democrats who are the diverse ones and it is the Republicans who are somehow the racist and non-tolerant and non-diverse ones. However, it turned out to be a very diverse group at the South Los Angeles Inglewood Republican Assembly. At my table alone we had three black gentlemen, two Asians, one Hispanic (for a short moment) and myself, the white. The entire room was a mixture of backgrounds, ethnicities and races. The majority in the room was black.  Hispanics took of the prize for second place.  There were even a few folks from the Middle East that I had a chance to talk to who are very conservative. All in all it was a pleasure spending time with these folks well into the evening and a great opportunity to get to know my constitutional counterparts and allies in the battle against leftism in Los Angeles. Let me tell you, if I lived in Los Angeles, I'd be a member of the South Los Angeles Inglewood Republican Assembly.  That said, I am a member of the Murrieta-Temecula Republican Assembly, so I am a California Republican Assembly member already.

We should be working together, too.  In the Inland Empire, Orange County, or Los Angeles, conservatives realize what we're up against and it is apparent that all of these conservative republicans are up to the fight.

Oh, one more thing... the enthusiasm over the Donald Trump presidency in that room was incredible, and nobody in that room believed the deceptive narrative by the left that claims Donald Trump and the persons around him are white supremacists, or a bunch of racists. In fact I meant one historian, a black woman from San Bernardino, who has studied history quite intricately.  We talked about how Dinesh D'Souza nailed it in Hillary's America when he discussed the racist history and background of the Democrat Party. Unfortunately, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party has been so good that a lot of folks don't even know what the truth is.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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