Wednesday, October 25, 2017

FBI Report Exposing Obama and Clinton Treason, Collusion with Russia

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

The headlines are exploding.

From Zero Hedge:  
As the mainstream media continues to obsess over $100,000 worth Facebook ads allegedly purchased by Russian spies in 2016 seeking to throw the presidential election, we're almost certain they'll ignore the much larger Russian bombshell dropped today in the form ofnewly released FBI documents that reveal for the very first time that the Obama administration was well aware of illegal bribery, extortion and money laundering schemes being conducted by the Russians to get a foothold in the atomic energy business in the U.S. before approving a deal that handed them 20% of America's uranium reserves...and resulted in a windfall of donations to the Clinton Foundation. 
As we pointed out last summer when Peter Schweizer first released his feature documentary Clinton Cash, the Uranium One deal, as approved by the Obama Administration, netted the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation millions of dollars in donations and 'speaking fees' from Uranium One shareholders and other Russian entities.
There was never any collusion between the Trump team and Russia.  The Russian connection has always been through the Democrats.  Going all the way back to the launch of the Cold War, it was the Democrats who were trying sell out America to the enemy.  Teddy Kennedy tried it with the KGB back during Reagan, and they were still doing it during the Obama administration.  Then, to thwart off any accusations, like a kid in the schoolyard, the Democrats said, "It wasn't me, it was them".

The FBI has unleashed what should be the biggest scandal in U.S. History, but it won't be, because the Democrats and their allies in the media will squash it and ignore it. . . until they can't.  It began with a fake dossier claiming to be full of intelligence pinning Trump with the Russians, except that it was fiction.  A well-crafted piece of fiction to cover-up the truth.  Comey, the former FBI chief stooge and Clinton buddy who has had his pockets lined to protect the Clintons, presented the dossier to Trump, and then ensured the media picked up on it.  The Democrats have learned, even if a story is so obviously false that any informed individual will pick up on its falsehood, their uninformed base will still fall for it.  All they needed was a headline, and then the leftist voting block's imagination would take over from there.

Fusion GPS and a guy named Christopher Steele put it all together, presented it as a piece of intelligence, the liberal left voters bought into it, the media packaged it nicely to ensure everyone bought into it, but the dossier was a complete lie from the start.

Now, on top of all that, the FBI is telling us that the dossier was not only not reliable intelligence, it wasn't even simply opposition research bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democrat National Committee.  Obama's government was in on it, too.

The whole Russian/Trump connection investigation is based on this thing, too.  It's all crap, paid for by political party money, and government money, to falsely take down an opposition candidate who the Democrats deemed was too dangerous to allow into any kind of limelight.

The dossier was easily refuted, but the media never let that part out.  Why?  The FBI says because the media, the Democrats, the Clintons, and the Obama administration were all working together to put this crap out there.  Never mind that they were already colluding with the Russians, as well (Uranium One is a starting point on that discussion).

As for the hacking, Rush Limbaugh put it nicely:
You remember the DNC would not let the FBI forensically examine the server. Instead, they hired CrowdStrike to do the forensic examination. It turns out that CrowdStrike was also hired by the law firm that hired Steele, that hired Fusion GPS to make up this dossier. All of this is Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton, and Obama administration opposition research! All of this is lies. All of this is patently made up. Oh, there may be a sentence or two in the dossier that’s got some connection to something that happened to give it some sense of credibility if deeply examined.
It doesn't matter if the investigation is a fake witch hunt looking for something, ANYTHING, they can pin on Trump - from the left's point of view, all that matters is that there IS an investigation going on.  It's all about perception.  Make Trump look like he's always in a scandal, keep Trump backpedaling, and convince the people he's so full of scandal he must be impeached. . . even though all of the sins they are accusing him of are Democrat Party sins!

And now, they have added more fake investigations.  There's one regarding Jared Kushner and Russia.  Paul Manafort and Russia.  Trump is a traitor, they want you to believe, and if they dig enough with the fake investigations, surely they will find SOMETHING.

What is worse is that the U.S. Government, under Barack Obama as president, was a part of this, too!  The lies and attacks were bought and paid for, in large part, by your tax dollars, as well! 

Your tax dollars have gone into the phony congressional Senate and House investigations over the lies, as well. . . all in the name of the Democrat Party forcing Trump out of office because they are sore losers. . . or perhaps they fear he may stumble upon their mafia-style way of running things!

Donald Trump never colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal and tamper with U.S. elections, but the Democrats have been happy to steal and tamper with your tax dollars to chase after fake investigations. . . while trying to stop Trump from investigating THE DEMOCRAT PARTY's election fraud.

And their voting base has fallen for all of the ridiculous accusations that the FBI is realizing was crap.  Russian collusion, calling him a fascist, racist, and so forth.  It's all lies to either get him out of office, or cover-up their true criminal activities. . . or both.

And to be honest, I think this is just the beginning.

We may have to get a few orange jumpsuits prepared for some of these people from the Democrat Party, after all...

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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