Sunday, October 29, 2017

Is the Democrat Party Doomed?

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

With the emergence of the reality that the Russian collusion was not between Trump and the Russians, but the Democrats and the Russians, and that the Clintons, Obamas, and the rest of the donkey-people are criminally denying it, we may be witnessing a moment in history where the Democrat Party may be in some really big trouble - that is, if the GOP has the intestinal fortitude to follow through with the exposure of who the Democrats really are. While the news pundits are saying that technically there is no law against collusion (from their point of view it was treason when they believed the GOP was guilty of collusion with the Russians, but now it's just a mild thing when it comes to the Democrats), the real problem is the lies.  In short, the real criminality lies within the cover-up.

Voters are watching, or at least some of them are, and while the latest revelations regarding Democrat Party wrong-doing based on FBI information is definitely a big nail in the coffin of the Dems, their policies and associations alone have been enough to turn off American Voters. . . hence, the win by Donald J. Trump, and the win in States and cities across America by the Republican Party.

What it is turning out to be is when it comes to the Russians (and pretty much everything else the Democrats are guilty of . . . racism, intolerance, violent nature, criminal activity), the Democrats are like the kid in the schoolyard who knows he's getting ready to be fingered for something, so to draw off suspicion, he points at a different kid and says, "He did it."

In short, the Democrats are masters at projection, but now their chickens are coming home to roost.

The false claim of police brutality and oppression hasn't helped them, either, and is honestly among their most ridiculous.  Where are these alleged cases of police brutality happening?  In the cities.  And who's been in control of the cities for the last century?  Democrats.  Never mind the police brutality, of which the FBI not only says does not exist, but that police lives are actually at risk because of black nationalists and other extremists targeting cops, but how about the poverty, crime, and sub-standard schools in the cities which have emerged in such a way as a result of decades and decades of liberal left Democrat Party control and policies?  Then, there is the distrust for the liberal media, and yet the leftists are doubling down on getting only their version of fake news out there.

How about the violent nature of the liberal left.  We never saw violence against leftists or Barack Obama during his presidency, yet the liberals are rioting, attacking conservative speakers on college campuses, and are literally getting in President Trump's face in a violent manner on White House grounds!

The rise of antifa followed Black Lives Matter, and it turns out that just like BLM and La Raza, antifa is backed, funded, and supported by communists.  Why? Because it's the Democrats who have had communist ties with Russia, China, Communist Party USA, the Democratic Socialists of America, and so on and so forth, all along.  In fact, according to Trevor Loudon's Enemies Within movie, a hundred Democrat members of the House of Representatives and twenty Senators couldn't even pass a background check to be janitor at the capitol because of their ties with enemies.

The Democrats don't blame their woes on their anti-American policies, however.  Instead, they try to blame procedures and influences they technically can't do anything about.  For example, Hillary Clinton blames her loss of the presidency a year ago on numerous factors, including the Electoral College . . . DNC Chair Tom Perez even goes so far as to claim the Electoral College is not in the U.S. Constitution in the first place.

While the term "Electoral College" is not in the Constitution, the language establishing it is, Article I, Section 2 and Article II, Section 1: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress."

Right now, faced with the reality of the criminality of their actions, the Democrats have suddenly gone silent.  Even spin hasn't been working.  Besides, that's what their allies in the liberal mainstream media are for, right?

The latest bout of silence after being faced by an inquisitive Republican Congress has come from Obama's Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who is refusing to testify regarding her notorious tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton.

Silence, in the face of their guilt being unleashed.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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