Monday, December 18, 2017

Regressive Progressive Snapshot of Race in America

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Slavery was once a worldwide phenomenon.  Europe abolished slavery legislatively. In the United States it took a war.  I am not one to believe the war was necessary, since there was a powerful abolitionist movement in The South at the time.  Nonetheless, the war was fought, and hundreds of thousands of Americans died so that in the end, an amendment could be added to the United States Constitution abolishing slavery in America forever.

The Democrat Party was the political party in America that defended slavery, and established laws in The South with the intent to not allow emancipation to give the newly freed slaves any equal treatment under the law, or within the American Culture.  In an effort to also silence their opposition, the Ku Klux Klan was created to act as a militant arm of the party to dissuade blacks, or their white Republican allies, from voting in elections in regions under Democrat Party control.

Plantations became a thing of the past, so the Democrat Party erected a new plantation.  The inner-city, with the dependency upon the master changed over to a dependency upon the government.

The big cities have been under Democrat control for generations.  Murder and crime is out of control in the cities.  Poverty is rampant, and the family unit has become, in large part, a distant memory.  But, like good slaves on the plantation, the black population does not recognize that it is their jailers who are keeping them on the plantation.  They believe the propaganda, instead.  Meanwhile, those who support the principles of limited government and freeing the underserved from bondage and tyranny once and for all are the ones who are accused of being the racists and authoritarians.

Racism exists, but not from where it is being blamed upon.  Police brutality that does not match the statistics is being alleged.  Black on black crime has been ignored. In the end, however, it is about none of this.  In reality the plantations and the race war are not about racism, or poverty, or liberating the lower classes from the oppression put upon them by the bourgeoisie.  President Obama told us what this is all about.  He told us what it has been all about for over a century or two.  It began with the utopianists, the Jacobins, the Marxists, the Fabians, and the modern day socialists.  It has been, and is, about a fundamental transformation of America into something the Founding Fathers never originally intended.

Now, freedom is being tested. Black Lives Matter, knockout Games, violent mobs looting their own neighborhoods, angry groups of BLM and socialists burning their own cities, and we are told they have the right to do so because of the mean ol' right-wingers.  What about the slave-masters?  Rather than trying to restructure our country, shouldn't they realize that the plantation masters of the Democrat Party has put them where they are now?

Do you want equal misery put upon you by government, or the opportunity to use individualism and no government interference to rise up and throw off the shackles of the government dependency plantation?

The premise for the black community has been pointing in the wrong direction, but if anyone dares to point that out, they are either a racist, or an Uncle Tom, depending in the color of their skin.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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