Monday, July 30, 2018

We Didn't Expect Trump to be an Altar Boy

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

I saw a meme not too long ago from a liberal left Democrat that read the following.  "Right-wingers can tolerate Trump's affairs with porn stars, 19 sexual misconduct claims, endless slander and vulgarity, bullying disabled people, bottomless greed, non-stop lying, and accusations of treason by colluding with Russia during the 2016 Election ... but the couldn't stomach a well-spoken, honorable constitutional scholar, just because he was black.  The right-wing disgusts me."

First of all, the context is way off on all that.  But, here's the thing.  I don't vote for someone because they are nice, well-spoken, or make me feel good.  I vote for people based on their positions on the issues, and the policies I believe they are going to put forth.  I knew we weren't getting an altar boy with Trump, and that's fine.  As a Christian I am not offended by his not-so-Christian life.  I didn't vote for him because I thought he was some kind of angel.  I voted for Trump because of his stated positions on the issues.

That all said, let's take apart the meme's argument a little just so that we can reveal the fantasy world of lies and ridiculousness the liberal left lives in.

1.  Trump's affairs with porn stars.  He's a rich guy who, when he was younger, was probably a typical guy (meaning, a horn-dog).  Therefore, he made some decisions that weren't exactly the kind I would make at this point in my life.  But, none of us were angels when we were younger.  What's fascinating is how absorbed the Democrats are with Trump's past sexual affairs, yet they don't seem to have a problem with Bill Clinton's history that is much more packed with women, and could possibly (maybe I am being too nice, there, by using the word "possibly") include rapes and pedophilia.

2.  19 sexual misconduct claims.  How many have been proven?  Besides, in just the last two years, how many Democrats, and liberals in the entertainment and media industries (and sure, a handful of members of the GOP) have gone down with accusations of sexual misconduct?  Even NBC has been willing to report on the scandals.  California's Democrats lost their super-majority in the State legislature because of the various accusations of sexual misconduct against a number of the Democrats.  Sexual misconduct is a disease that largely swarms the ranks of the liberal leftists, yet somehow they are shocked that a rich playboy, long before he considered himself a Republican or remotely close to being a conservative, may or may not have had less than reasonable situations on the sexual front?  That said, once again, the Democrats operate by accusations, not evidence.  I am sure of those 19 accusations the number is either zero, or very close to it.  Then again, who cares?  It was during a part of his life that was long before this one.  People can grow.  People can change.  Remember, at one point in his life Ronald Reagan was a Democrat.

3.  Endless slander and vulgarity.  Slander?  Against whom?  Are you whining because Trump's willing to say it like it is regarding Democrats?  As for the vulgarity, except for moments in his younger life, he has not, in my opinion, been "vulgar."  And, even if he has been, is that a reason to vote or not vote for someone?  I don't care about Trump's mouth as much as I do his policies, and the reality is, he promised in the campaign what I would want as a constitutionalist, and so far he's been delivering.  Who cares if he's been vulgar in his past.  The economy is booming.  The Supreme Court has constitutional originalists on it.  By the way, when I was young, my language was pretty rough, too.  It's amazing how much we move away from such behavior as we get older.

4.  Bullying disabled people.  This is a false accusation manufactured by the Democrat establishment, and the writer of this meme is simply so stupid he fell for it.  The video and imagery was taken out of context, Trump was not even aware of the person in question's disabilities, and the flailing of the hands was simply Trump's way of gesticulating a mock of stupid leftist morons.

5.  Bottomless greed.  Again, a false accusation.  The guy is rich, left his rich life to serve the country, and is refusing to take the salary, and instead donated his salary as President to charity.  Is that the sign of a greedy person?  The problem with the leftists, however, is that they think any increase of economic benefit is greed.  Remember, they are actually socialists who don't believe anyone should have a chance to do well, or earn profit.  They believe only equality in misery is acceptable.

6.  Non-stop lying.  Lying?  About what?  Do they accuse Trump of lying because he's not agreeing to false accusations?  That doesn't make him a liar, that makes him someone willing to receive the slings and arrows of the liberal left, and not give in to their non-stop attacks.  Of course, the non-stop deceptions and lies by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (and the rest of the Democrats around them) doesn't seem to phase people like the writer of the meme in the least.

7.  Accusations of treason by colluding with Russia during the 2016 Election.  False accusations.  No evidence has ever surfaced.  Yes, the Russians try to meddle in our elections.  They've been doing so since the Russian Revolution a hundred years ago.  But, the history of collusion over the last hundred years belongs to the Democrats, not the Republicans.  As for the accusations against Trump, it's just another manufactured argument in an attempt to reverse what the Democrats never thought would happen ... the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

Okay, now let's address the list of things the meme says about Barack Obama.

1.  Well-spoken.  I am supposed to support a candidate just because they read a teleprompter real well, and delivers their message in a coherent manner?  That's ridiculous.  What about policies?  Stances on the issues?  I did not agree with Barack Obama on any stance, and his ability to be well-spoken was not reason enough to change my vote.

2.  Honorable constitutional scholar.  That's a false statement.  He lectured on the Constitution at the University of Chicago, but Obama was hardly a constitutional scholar, and he has proven to us over the last ten years he is anything but honorable.  As for his constitutional lectures, I did the research.  He lectured on how to use the 14th Amendment to create racial division.  He's not a constitutional scholar.  Barack Obama is a constitutional liar.

3.  Just because he was black.  I didn't vote against Obama just because he's black.  I voted against Obama because I did not agree with a single idea he had for our country.  I do not believe that socialism is a preferred platform for our country.  The thing is, while the writer of the meme accuses the "right-wing" of rejecting Obama just because he was black, he fails to recognize the racism behind the reality that most Democrats voted for Obama just because he was black.  Besides, did the writer of the meme take into account the popularity of the black Republican candidate, Ben Carson?  If GOP voters hated Barack Obama because he was black, how is it that Ben Carson was so popular?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

  1. The day the right wing ceases to disgust this d-bag will be the day I'll start to question the Right. We can use him for a barometer. I hope he keeps running his mouth.
