Monday, June 22, 2020

Help Fund Restoration of the U.S. Constitution

Dear Fellow Constitutionalist and Patriot,

Thank you to those of you who have been helping with the funding of what I do.  Usually, when the Radio Program, videos (podcast videos and constitution study videos), or other efforts, are hurting for funds I pour the money I make from public speaking engagements into those things, and that's why I rarely ask for help with funding as a general rule.  My book sales and speaker's fees usually are enough (along with great advertisers like CARSTAR/AllStar Collision in Corona helping fund things) to pull off the funding of each and everything I do.  In the past great organizations and companies like the folks behind Constitution Quest Game, and the Constitution Association, have also helped.  However, in this current day and age of the coronavirus scamdemic, funds have dwindled, there have been no public speaking appearances (save for one private one at a restaurant in a nearby city a couple months ago) since February, and CARSTAR is my only advertiser on the radio program on KMET at this moment.

Recent donations have helped, and our January through April radio contract got paid off recently.  But, we are still short.  The April through July contract is still due (over $2,000) and stations around the country have been contacting me wishing to carry my program for very low prices (one in Utah has offered a full year of programming on their station for $600).  But, we don't have the funds to take advantage of these incredible opportunities.  I may even have to cancel our annual fundraiser dinner, which I would like to hold September 17, due to a lack of funds.  Personally, I hate asking for money, but if we are going to grow what we are doing (or for that matter, keep the show on the air on KMET) during this critical time in history, we need your help.  If everyone on this email list donated just $10 apiece, we'd be fully funded for a couple years.  Recently, Double X, on Constitution Radio, said that if 20 folks donated $500 each, he'd donate $1,000.  But, aside from one $400 donation, everything has pretty much been a hundred bucks or less.  Again, not complaining, I very much so appreciate those who have helped out, but the sad part of it is, we are still way short of funding our minimum basic needs.

You know me, this email list is not one I normally ask for money on.  My goal is to inform and educate, and sometimes, to rattle the cages of the politicians.  I need to make a trip to Utah to talk to some legislators about overturning 1964's Reynolds v. Simms, and I'd like to get to Wyoming to follow up on work our good friend G.R. Mobley has been performing regarding Republic Review.  But, the reality is, the funding isn't even there for the radio program and buying pocket constitutions, much less for any trips that may have lasting impacts on the political system during this critical time in history.

Let's continue to challenge the left, let's continue to hammer on the Marxists who are trying to fundamentally change America, and let's continue the hard work towards restoring our constitutional republic ... which includes battling to turn us away from mob rule ... a.k.a. democracy.

There is a donate button below, and one on and another on  Thanks, you guys are awesome, and I appreciate all of you...but if we don't stop this madness now, no amount of appreciation will matter, because we will be in bondage partly due to a lack of a few thousand bucks.


Douglas V. Gibbs

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