Monday, November 09, 2020

One America News reports Massive Reports of Voter Fraud in 2020 Election

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The election is not over yet.  The media does not determine who won.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

  1. "Massive" reports of ALLEGATIONS of voter fraud. What they haven't provided is any evidence of it, which is why every Trump campaign lawsuit has been laughed out of court, sometimes within forty-eight hours.

    I told you years ago that voter fraud cannot be carried out on an industrial scale when you were buying into the fantasy that Obama "stole" the 2012 election with "millions of illegal votes". I told you that voter fraud only happens at the margins in races with razor-thin margins - think the recounts in Florida 2000, the Washington governor's race in 2004, and the Minnesota senate race in 2008. There's simply no way that anything like what OANN is claiming could ever be kept quiet, and it would collapse under its own weight.

    As big a disaster for the country as it was, Obama was legitimately re-elected. As big a disaster for the country as it was, Trump was legitimately elected four years later. And now he has been legitimately defeated. A true constitutionalist would recognize the necessity of accepting that fact, like it or not, and shift focus to the business of purging the GOP of Trump, reconservativizing it, and prepare for 2024.

    That does not appear to be what *you* are doing.

    Exit question: Do you think Biden "stole" New York and New Jersey, too?
