Monday, March 01, 2021

San Diego, Douglas V. Gibbs and Agnes Gibboney, March 8, 2021

RSVP by Tuesday, March 2, 2021 

Mark Your Calendar
3/8/2021 - 10:00 a.m.:   RWCSDC Board of Directors Meeting and Lunch.


Douglas V. Gibbs is a Radio Host, Author, Public Speaker, and outspoken proponent for the spread of constitutional literacy and patriotic advocacy

Agnes Gibboney is an immigrant who as a child escaped the Soviet Union and grew up in Brazil. She immigrated to the U.S. at age 16 to lose her only son, murdered by a previously deported illegal alien. She campaigned with Trump and ran herself for the CA 31st Congressional District. She continues to fight against the socialist agenda of the left.

It appears we'll finally be able to meet in person, outside, at the Legacy Resort and Spa. Click here for written directions.

Cost: $38. (Check or cash, $35).
Please RSVP by: 3/2/2021.

Reserve Now!

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