Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Symphony of Destruction

Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

When it comes to President Joe Biden, the same thought comes to mind that I had during the presidency of pretty much all of them except maybe Reagan and Donald J. Trump. My prayer comes from Psalms 109:8 where it says, “Let his days be few, and let another have his office.”

When I was a young man a metal band called "Megadeth" had a song out called "Symphony of Destruction." It was among the top tracks of an album by the name of "Countdown to Extinction". The music industry during my lifetime was pretty much as it is now, though perhaps not as in such a pronounced manner as we see today, in that it was very opinionated when it came to politics. That said, we had recently departed from the Vietnam War, so much of it was "anti-war" which, despite their policies saying otherwise quite often, in line with the Democrat Party.

Don't get me wrong, I am actually anti-war just like the people I normally argue with, but I view it a little differently than they do.  I prefer that we do not enter conflict in the first place because I not only hate it when our young people are sacrificed at the alter of war, but because I realize at the the foundation of it all is the plutarchy finding ways to advance their wealth and power.  In short, as a friend of mine, Brady, likes to say, all wars are bankers' wars.  They all have more to do with money and power than with international disagreements.  That said, I believe in peace through strength, as did Ronald Reagan and George Washington.  Washington, in fact, once said that the way to keep the peace is to be prepared for war.

As for Symphony of Destruction, the song took its premise from the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The correlations to the lyrical meaning of the song from the story, which has the Pied Piper using the music from his pipe to compel children and rats to follow his demands mindlessly, was that according to Dave Mustaine (the writer and singer of the song), political leaders do to the public as the Pied Piper did to the rats and children.  I have always essentially agreed, though I am willing to bet that my political goggles see the phenomenon from the opposite side of the political spectrum than does the entertainment industry

Now, with the potions being pushed by the pharmaceutical companies, as they work in collusion with the oligarchs in government, the Pied Piper metaphor becomes even more apparent.  The mice have mindlessly chased after the Pied Piper, taking shots in their arms from a corporate entity they have always been leery of, now defending them to the point of demanding the government mandate the jab, whether those who oppose it like it or not.

Sounds like another story, too.  Communism.  Fascism.  The list goes on.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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