Saturday, April 16, 2022

Constitution Radio: The Rabbit Hole

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Pacific Time

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  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Party of White Grievance "Has never cared about democracy" not my words but according to Stephen Phillips.

    Phillips is a best selling author, columnist and is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, "Brown Is the New White".

    He writes here:

    By Steve Phillips
    MAY 26, 2021

    The hard truth is that whichever United States political party has been most rooted in the fears, anxieties, and resentments of white people has never cared much about democracy or the Constitution designed to preserve it...

    Today, 82 percent of Republican voters are white, and the party has comfortably won the white vote in every single presidential election since Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act in 1965. The political home of the defenders of the Confederacy and white power has shifted, but the strategies and tactics of that constituency and its leaders has not.

    Whatever the label, the party that prioritized protecting white rights has always been more willing to destroy the country than accept a situation where people of color are equal and can participate in the democratic process...From the Democrats of the Civil War era to the Republicans of the Trump years, the white party has always posed the greatest threat to our political system.

    Stephen Phillips is a best selling author, columnist, and national political expert. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller 'Brown Is the New White'. He is also the founder of Democracy in Color, a political media organization dedicated to race, politics and the multicultural progressive New American Majority. Phillips is the host of “Democracy in Color with Steve Phillips,” a color-conscious podcast on politics. His new book, How We Win the Civil War, came out October 18, 2022. He is a regular contributor to The Nation.

  2. There was no shift. The Democrat Party remains the party of slavery, but shifted that slavery from the master of the fields to the master of government dependency. The plantation remains in place. The fact that the Republican Party is dominated by whites is not a sign of racial privilege or supremacy, it simply reveals that those who have not been fooled by the Democrat Party's tactics of consolidation of government power for the purpose of creating dependency has gathered in the GOP. The black population was targeted by the Democrats to remain poor, remain under the thumb of the government, and the Democrats offered such in the name of "welfare" and wanting to help. However, what the Democrats have done is institutionalize slavery through programs of government assistance to the point of convincing those on those programs that they cannot help themselves out of such a situation, that they need government to survive. Liberty, as a result, has become a bad word. As Obama said, "How can someone pick themselves up by the bootstraps if they have no boots." The followers of the Democrat Party's tyranny are convinced that if they were to achieve liberty they would be even poorer, because they are incapable of doing better without help, and they are being pushed down by a white power system that simply does not exist. But it is rarely challenged due to fear, and when it is and someone breaks out of the prison of government slavery they are labeled an "Uncle Tom" or a traitor to their race. Unfortunately, the leftist insanity also runs rampant in the minds of a number of Republicans, too. As for me, I am not about party as much as I am about liberty, and the Constitution. Therefore, do me a favor and try not to label me as a republican. Don't get me wrong, I am registered as a member of the GOP, but not because I love the political party, but because of the two parties it is closest to my constitutional ideals.
