Friday, April 01, 2022

It's not about the weather

Opinion by Allan McNew

Cervantes said that hunger is the best sauce, and since the poor have an abundance of it they eat their meals with great enjoyment. There's also the saying that when the farmers are hungry things change.

There's a lot to this, I can only skim over the subject.

The first I heard about global cooling was circa 1973, when most of the mainstream print magazines featured cover themes like "Get ready for the coming ice age" The apparent consensus was that America was going to be covered with glaciers by 1985. Didn't happen.

So, it became 40 years of climate change with innumerable changing deadlines anywhere from 6 months to 12 years in the then future with failure to act resulting in children in Denver drowning in scalding water. This is loudest proclaimed by rich leftists with the personal carbon footprint of small nations who are opposed to all petroleum products except for what goes into their own private jets and gas guzzling cars. They have a proclivity to buy high dollar houses on coastal shores, which suggests they don't believe what they're peddling. The first to come to mind are President Obama's mansion on the waterline in Martha's Vineyard and President Biden's vacation beach house in Rehoboth Beach, New Jersey. Bill Gates has a coastal mansion just above high tide.

But there is more to the story than climate change prophets who are nothing but consistently wrong and "98 percent of the world's (whomever) agree...", which has more the appearance of a contrived slogan than millions of credible witnesses produced. Repeat something loud and long enough and it magically becomes fact.

Saikat Chakrabarti, self made internet tech millionaire and consummate hypocrite, Chief of Staff and campaign manager for Representative Ocasio-Cortez, said that the "New Green Deal" has to do with taking over the economy along with implementing a giant socialist wish list. Former United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer said that the goal of climate policy is to redistribute the world's wealth from wealthy nations to poor nations. In 2015, Christiana Figueres (long United Nations title about climate change) said that the goal is to change the productive world economic development model (capitalism) by obstructing developed economies. The idea is to reduce productivity and economic output in wealthy nations by restricting energy usage while letting developing nations burn all the coal and petroleum products they want. That blows the climate change argument out of the water, because it's not about eliminating global emissions. Furthermore, the technology for a petroleum free economy is neither advanced, abundant or affordable enough to be viable. It won't work under present conditions.

It's about modified class warfare in the name of "equity." It's what the United Nations derived Paris Agreement or Paris Accord is about.

But in the US it's also about leveling and controlling society. A society that's broke, travel limited and bunched together in population centers with limited speech rights is easier for totalitarians to control, and it's an old Marxist tool for induced inflation and high taxes mixed with societal chaos to destroy the middle class and make society to clamor for relief. Totalitarians are happy to provide their autocratic solutions for society's anguish.

White House Secretary Jen Psaki's gaslighting to the contrary, President Biden's war on domestic oil production and the blue state shutdown harm to local economies during Covid looks to further the stated goal of the far, far left to destroy everything and rebuild to their blueprint – which will result in an impoverished population ruled by an autocratic oligarchy which lavishly lives like sultans.

We need to revive domestic oil production. Now. Make America self sufficient again.

If the citizens don't wake up to this threat we may all be enjoying our meals with great gusto.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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