Saturday, April 02, 2022

The patriarchy now wears a dress

Opinion by Allan McNew posted on Political Pistachio by Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

"Do your thing. Just do it among consenting adults and leave children out of it."

And quit bs-ing people.

After nearly 60 years of man hating toxic feminism ("Don't open that door for me, you sexist pig!!") a minority of men are appropriating womanhood and pushing women to the side on a national scale.

Years ago there was a place I frequented which had a broom closet between the men's and women's restrooms. I never did it, but was almost compelled to place a sign emblazoned with "transvestites" on the closet door. I hadn't a clue I was looking at the imposed future.

When I was a kid "you homo!" was a common playground insult, now it's "you homophobe!" and a man in a dress with ribbons in the hair and slathered in thick painted lady makeup conducts library readings to confused children.

I have asked myself would a man really have a sex change operation in order to make himself more attractive and more sexually available to women? Someone else might have a different take, but the answer is quite obvious to me.

I imagine some from the alternative pasture thinking "I'm tired of being a loser in competitive men's sports. Think I'll put on a dress and become a champion by beating down girls." Or for the prison bound, straight men who declare being a woman and consequently be surrounded by women with an itch that needs to be scratched for years on end. Charlie Manson said there's plenty of sex in prison, but he had to make do with men, consenting or not. Today he could be in the women's section, crazed eyes, greasy hair, swastika tat on the forehead and all.

Perhaps the better way would be to have boys, girls and "theys" sports leagues with separate "theys" restrooms / shower rooms / dressing rooms. That way biological men with implanted breasts wouldn't be parading their wangers around in front of objecting women and underage girls.

Separate "theys" jails, too. See how long that jail house scam to do time surrounded by women lasts.

But, in the end, no pun intended, "theys" can still say they've come out of the broom closet, and the competition in all corners will be fair.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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