Sunday, February 19, 2023

School History Standards and America's Future

By Douglas V. Gibbs

History has shown that the way to change a society is to deconstruct it.  Revolution does not come unless the people are willing to participate in such revolution, and they won't seek change if the system is not broken.  So, those who wish to ignite a revolution must convince the people that the system is broken, that it was flawed from the beginning, and that the prosperity and successes they have seen is a figment of their imagination.  What they think is good is actually bad.  Revolution is the only way to fix it.

Among the many things I do as an instructor is I teach U.S. History to homeschool high school students.  In the past I have also taught to homeschool high school students Government, Economics, and the U.S. Constitution.  In my History Class I began with the Saxons, the Magna Carta, the discovery of the New World, exploration, and the colonies.  Right now we are working through the American Revolution.  Recently, one of the parents contacted me indicating that her child is a part a charter school and they have stopped giving him credits for my class because I am not covering what is required by the State of California.  U.S. History standards by California begins in the late 1800s.  They have removed early American History from the classroom.

I informed her that I will cover the Reconstruction Period and American History since then, but if we are to instill the true foundation of what America is all about, we must also teach early American History.

The tactic of deconstructing history is nothing new.  It is a tyrannical strategy that has been used over and over in history, not just by socialists in taking over countries, but by other historical tyrannies, as well.  It is their goal to change history so that nobody knows anything but the narrative being offered by the tyranny that is rising.

The Founding Fathers and those who championed liberty are now being portrayed in a negative light.  Their greatness is a threat to the tyrants seeking to change America.  The leftists need people to turn their backs on our foundational principles and values.  Without disillusionment in our history the purveyors of tyranny cannot inspire the revolution they seek.

George Orwell's dystopian warning in his book, 1984, reads loud and clear.  "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.  Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself.  After the thing is done, no evidence ever remains. The only evidence is inside my own mind, and I don’t know with any certainty that any other human being shares my memories...Those who control the past control the future, and those who control the present control the past.”

Deconstruction.  If the past is flawed, it must be censored.  If it is censored, it must be gone.  If it is gone, it never existed.  If it never existed, only the current narrative is true.

Thus, the way to instill tyranny is to convince the people their history is flawed so that they themselves are willing to raise the flag of tyranny.

The problem for the tyrants is that the older generations remember the past.  So, they must be made untrustworthy.  Their ideas must be made antiquated.  The classroom must be the true center of information.  The government classroom must be placed above the parents.  Old standards are then tossed aside for new standards.  Then, once the students have been separated from their parents and grandparents, the past will become nothing to them.  Then, the past can be changed, portrayed negatively, and only a new future of collective tyranny can be presented.  Equity, love, kindness, and coexistence; a marketing ploy that cannot be argued with.  Love is love.  Fairness if fairness.  Any who disagree must be canceled.

In Germany, Hitler outlawed home schooling (a law that is still on the books today in Germany), and used education to further the NAZI philosophy. In a speech delivered in 1939, Hitler proclaimed, "When an opponent declares: 'I will not come over to your side,' I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already. What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community." {William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Simon and Schuster, New York: (1960), page 249.}

The master marketing scheme uses language to change the culture, and the children to erase any memory of the past.  Any dissent is debunked, and labeled "misinformation," or "hate."

False content and memories become the truth.  An altered past changes the future.  

Karl Marx explained, "Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily conquered."

The Malaysian minister of culture wrote in The Brunei Times on Aug. 29, 2013: "A nation or generation that does not know the history of their nation is a nation that lost its identity and can be easily manipulated."

The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi, who conquered kingdoms to unify China in 221 B.C., destroyed all history books.  

Pol Pot, Cambodia's communist madman, killed all educated people, anyone who might be able to battle against the reeducation campaign.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, "If we don’t know our own history, we will simply have to endure all the same mistakes, sacrifices, and absurdities all over again."

The Founding Fathers never gave education as an authority to the federal government for a reason.  

poll by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports found that most Democrats and young Americans believe the U.S. Constitution is “racist,” “sexist,” and should be “rewritten.”  They haven't read it, or they have read it but the reading was through a lense tainted by the tyranny that is rising.  Context has not been considered.  The truth has been forgotten, canceled, and dismissed.

The younger generation has been taught to have antipathy towards the U.S. Constitution.  The education system, entertainment industry, and the cultural Marxism pumping through the veins of our country has convinced them through a diabolical erasure of truth that the values and philosophies espoused in the document do not exist, or were no good in the first place.  Good has become evil and evil has become good, so even if the truth could be made clear, they would reject it.  Such is the power of what has been accomplished.

I am a rare bird, I suppose, for I teach the values of our system, the principles of the founding generation, and for my troubles the parents of my students are concerned because even at the homeschool level such teachings are a problem...because the system won't give credit for such teachings.  The grip on our children is so devastating that even at the homeschool level the truth is a concern.

Young Americans are being brainwashed into thinking that America's early history and the Constitution, which tells a story of a battle against tyranny and the emergence of liberty in America, is somehow itself tyranny.  Rather than seeing government as the source of tyranny, individualism is being shown as the source of tyranny.  The Constitution limits the power of government to preserve liberty, but the new view is that a centralized consolidated government is the solution to all of our problems.  The fundamental transformation of the United States begins with changing We the People to "We the Government."  According to the tyrants, liberty is poverty because it teaches people to take care of themselves, and "how can you pull yourself up by the bootstraps if you have no boots?" -- Barack Obama.

Dependency upon government is your salvation, we have been taught.  Personal ownership of possessions, self-determination and individual incentive is considered to be greedy and unacceptable.  Jefferson's "all men are Created equal" has been altered to mean "equity in results."  Today's tyrants, who dress in the clothes of an Angel of Light, call for an increase in power of the federal government above all else, with the best of intentions, and in the name of the "common good."  The Constitution, liberty, and individualism is a giant roadblock to their new design, so, it must be eliminated.

The truth is, God, and the Constitution, are the solution.  We must get back to those founding principles.  The way to do that, however, is not through a top down strategy.  It begins locally.  And, before that even works, it begins with us becoming a virtuous society again.  How can we get our political house in order if we don't get our religious house in order.

It all begins from the ground up: Faith, localism, and advocacy of moral and liberty-centric principles.  It takes individuals to restore the federal republic.  Once we gain control of our localities, it will spread.  Restore our communities, and we will restore our cities.  Restore our cities and we will restore our counties.  Restore our counties and we will restore our States.  Restore our States and we will restore our federal republic.  But, before it all gets going, there is one other step we must make.  Restore our virtuous foundation.

God, family, country.

Let's do this.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary